18.04 Release - General Feedback

Talking bout needs…
you dont need to play Eve, either.
But we WANT!

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:red_circle: When did CCP add standing tags to the mailing list member list? This is a HUGE improvement! This is crazy!
:tada: :confetti_ball:

Now you just need to stop the reset to page one and this is even greater!

Have you thought a bout PVE players and minners and haulers ,because the only defence they had was their tank resistance and EHP and now they are completly useless in highsec ,look at EHP of DST and minner ships or Orca ,they are all jokes now

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The tank of dst is in cloak + mwd trick.
Orcas are still tanky - mine has 478K ehp cold, w/o implants.
Mining ships other than procurer and skiff were under constant threat of gank anyway, nothing changed.


And its EHP.

Just because YOU don’t care does not mean that NOBODY cares. Especially exiting Jita can make you get bumped.


Instant undock is a thing.

Which required much needed nerf. Is bonkers that some dsts could reach 600K+ ehp.

A a lot of DST pilots don’t rely on tank for travel in HS or LS… Cloak+MW trick and Cloak+MJump are very good options. Even even for those that tank, the effects are being exaggerated–sure the gankers can bring one of two less ships now, but also the DST pilots can carry a bit less valuable cargo and be less attractive–the calculus is the same. More inconvenient than anything else.

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and water is wet, your argument is invalid.

No. just because some could reach 600+k ehp does not mean those need nerf.

Or he can just not play Eve. That’s just a stupid point : some haulers don’t decide what’s in their cargo. They haul what people ask them to haul. If it’s too dangerous, it just won’t be hauled and that’s all.
Does not change the fact that this is a huge nerf for the DST.


wtf you are talking a bout when you have no idea what you are saying ,look at your character ganker in high sec with couple of cheap ships say enough a bout you and your friends,MTU hunter or chasing with some cheap ship in high sec to gank ,so dont come here and BS with EHP or ORCA is same and DST is good and blabla,


Bollocks. They decide value of collateral of contract they are willing to take. If collateral is far lower than value if cargo it is different story… but in that case you may just unwrap and make isk. No sane contractor should blame you - though most will pay extra after realizing blunder.

If it is too dangerous for reward then haulers will be getting paid more.

Deflection? Typical of you.

Yes, it does mean just that. That ehp value was ridiculous. Hell, my mastodon still crosses 160K ehp… and it has medium ancillary shield booster fitted…

:red_circle: The automatic finding of the items you start typing in the market is great. Finally some external 3rd party tool features in the market. Now if only the automatic expansion of market categories would stop, the world would be such a better place.


Sure, is not like I fly freighters, blockade runners, dsts, jfs and orcas… or do I?
Also funny that you had to use new forum alt to speak, really adds credibility.

Didn’t say that… it was over 500K ehp before change. Now it is under 500K ehp… it is still very tanky.

It is good…

They are good options…and also not what DST ship role bonuses are designed for. Your cloaky hauler is over there ------> Blockade runner.

The fact that DST have had to adopt cloak tricks to get around is more largely due to a failure of the ship class to live up to its “tanky hauler” role…and now it has been nerfed to oblivion.

There’s literally no risk calculation around whether to engage an uncloaked DST. Its just an ISK calculation. That fundamental problem needs to change. If ISK payout > my fleet of catalysts, tornados, whatever costs, then gank. There’s no risk.

You can’t even call it piracy, it’s just a business with guaranteed returns. They do the math for the number of times the loot fairy will payout vs. not, and then figure out their target ISK value they need to attack until they hit the lottery and get their guaranteed return over time.

No risk ganks and the failure of DST as a ship role/class drives the usage of cloak + mwd.

Instead of DST and Blockade Runner, you just just ended up with smaller cloaked hauler and bigger “cloaked” hauler. That’s not how the ships were originally intended. That’s just player adaptation to get around a failing design.


The drugs auto-consuming in the login campaign is the dumbest ■■■■ you’ve done this patch and whoever thought it was a good idea should feel bad.


It is very likely that this DST nerf wasn’t planned and not even evaluated by CCP.

So, not planned but nerfed by 66% - that is uncalled and should be certainly reviewed.

Who knows maybe 740k EHP is out of balance. But then - discuss it, calculate it and adjust with a goal. Not just like "oops! right… err… well… you had too much tank anyway… err… Ship Role? … er… who cares… byeee. " not okay

It does live up to its role… problem is that no matter how tanky you get enough firepower will bring you donw.

Was not nerfed to oblivion.

This is true for all kinds of target. And there is nothing you can do about it other than changing your tank, using cloaky mwd trick and decreasing value of cargo. All variables that you control.

Piracy was like this. Calculated risks.

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It was, there is no “maybe” here. And nerf was not 66% - I only lost 20% of tank on my mast :stuck_out_tongue:

They could compensate with base hp increase or higher overheat bonus.

Yes something has changed. gankers have more DPS, miners and industrials have less tank.

The number of gankers needed per level of security status has changed. Single catas blowing up Retrievers and Covetors in 0.9’s and 2’s doing it in 1.0’s.

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solo Retriever in 0.9 ? I call bs. That has 12K ehp… can’t gank it in 12s with solo cata. Covetor I can believe, but that ship is not ship - it is mining crystal.

The tank of DST is and was the actual tank, it is in the description. It did keep some occasional cheap gankers from “having fun”. True, Cloak+MWD is the main skill to keep you safe, but the Role Bonus - the Tank is your backup if something goes wrong. Taking that away is like arguing that you don’t need seat belts or airbags, your perfect driving skill is the only key to your safety.
I mean, then you can just get rid of DSTs, give T1 ships 62.5k m³ cargohold - it also can cloak+MWD. Why have another ship with a special role? :slight_smile:

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