2018/03/21 - Unscheduled Downtime

Not really because the new API makes services like EVEMon near impossible to create and use because of all the restrictions.

Details please

well maybe not gating orcas on a patchday with immense issues all day? :wink:

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This is how we all really feel:


The second is an issue of the programming of EVEMon itself but the problems of the first link very likely compound the experienced issues.

“crash” is not turning off, its crashing. whats so hard to understand about that? does your game give you a 5min warning before it crashes? :wink:

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I did software development for 4 years, and hated it. I didn’t like being treated like a slave, working 80+ hour weeks, with no OT, only to be given a day or two off as recompense for doing something I “liked”. Regardless, the issues today were mounting over 4 hours since the daily downtime. It started with the occasional long jump, to longer jumps, to longer jumps with crash and overview issues, to high latency in all areas, to about an hour later, server crash. At any point in the last two hours they should have announced downtime due to instability, but instead they are posting “in development” on their social media portals and not saying boo here until the crash happens. In my opinion the statement, “(a)fter a longer than anticipated downtime today, we’re happy to announce that the March release is live” is an all-clear. Especially when they no longer communicate about any ongoing issue through the forums or social media, and then start posting PR crud on social media.

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I get that ■■■■ happens and all but I’m paying you guys for 4 accounts and I don’t even want to talk about how much I blow on plex/multi ques per month for a game that I can’t reliably play… you guys going to through us a bone (SP)?

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We had pretty much no warning that Tranquility was about to keel over with database issues today.

If you’d like to mail me your crystal ball, or put me in contact with the medium you use to predict the future, I’m more than happy to consult them on future events :slight_smile:


My company actually gave me crystal ball ( or something close ) for real. But I’m afraid it’s broken, has never worked so far.

He defend, he atak, he Falcon :slight_smile:


Count your blessings Naglfar | Valmet Gladys | Killmail | zKillboard

What do you mean yesterday. The problems are still here today. By the looks of it tomorrow won’t be good either.

If I may ask. What’s the current state of the game? I can’t find any updates about the situation anywhere. What should we expect from the game at this moment?

What will CCP reimburse? Are you going to reimburse ships that are lost because local looked empty? Will you reimburse blue on blue because they showed as neutrals?

ouch hugs

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

Eve in a nutshell.

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game works. Local chat is screwy. Dont fly what u cant afford to lose. #not official

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It’s called EVEMON. EVEMon was choking on database issues for 5 or 10 minutes before the crash. Glad I could help you. :slight_smile:

EVE local chat looked like it reload it self every 1-2 s so thats why you cant see anyone in local. At least it keeps doing that in diff systems but not all. So we get free sp or what?