Well deleting the cache files doesn’t do anything except from making your launcher not load properly and then it just replaces those cached file anyway
I’m having similar trouble just connecting to TQ. Every time I select one of my characters I get the error message “The socket has closed.” I’m able to get onto SISI with ease but still now access to TQ.
Trying to log into the game with an Alpha clone tells me I have have an Omega clone already logged in, even though I’m unable due to socket closing.
Interesting that the test server is up… I have to DL files for that though so … omg this Internet throttling sucks balls so hard dude… wtf AT&T…
best is… cya tomorrow!
Well I guess I can get caught up on old news from Sinister.ly haha
Singularity and Tranquility are in two different data centers in different countries and one is being DDoS Scrubbed and the other isn’t.
I have several of my corp already online and TQ’s player count is nearly 30K right now.
me too
have a character in jita and a character in amarr, can log into neither of them - “socket has been closed” as soon as I get in
I keep getting “socket has closed” every time. I’ve done the Shared Cache Settings -> Verify and I have also done the Reset Settings -> Clear All Cache Files followed by machine restart. I still get “socket has closed” no matter how many times I try. I’d open a support ticket but the support ticket system will not allow me to log on. I wish CCP would communicate better. “18:40 UTC - TRANQUILITY IS NOW BACK ONLINE AND ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS” is really frustrating.
Makes sense… I wasn’t implying though that both were on the same server, but that both servers will still functional, one under attack mind you.
For me it took cache clear AND a reboot of my computer. Not sure what the heck the reboot would have to do with it, but others suggested it and it worked.
Cant be a random attack though, I mean who would have something to gain from Ddos eve servers? SOMEONE WHO PLAYS EVE PERHAPS? idk just saying. (or used to)
looks like eve is not the only DDOS targets today, may be a result of this weeks arrests by Interpol, and the little pr***s wanting to show that they ant been castrated. Actually a really stupid thing to do as press releases about the Interpol arrests made it plain that the intel on who to arrest was provided by GCHQ and NSA plus a few other intelligence agency’s, who are all on a high state of alert following threats from the Russian government suggesting that they might attack cyber attack British and other allies infrastructure. They may find themselfs arrested and facing terrorism charges (if arrested in USA) as Trump has stated he wants them treated as such.
If by nearly 30k, you mean 21,751, then I agree.
Drama queenery is not needed. The legit issue is bad enough without exaggerating it.
Mr Epeen
lol did you just invent the word “queenery” ??? lol (sorry i’m easily amused )
Well it’s clear that I’m not going to be getting on the game anytime soon
Theyve finally read the logs and wont let us back in ;<
IDK what happened with my attempt to reply…
Anyway, I was saying,
You dont say! interesting really.