Here’s an idea, don’t whore out alpha accounts to further complicate your nonsensical ddos attacks
Can I ask you to send us a support ticket, please.
I sent you a support ticket hours ago under a differnet charecter
The normal amount of players is just over 29k
give us a link
You have our user ID’s on this chat forum.
Check the accounts that way. Or are you not wanting to take the effort because…we are lying?
suport ticket already in have not got a reply back for that either
Playing from Russia.
This week started using German proxy because in Russia there are issues with accesibilty of websites hosted on AWS and other big hosting providers.
Today after DDOS could not login for hours (using a steam client).
Guess what? I disabled my proxy, and now everything works just fine.
It looks like CCP just banned some wrong ip addresses or something.
@CCP Explorer Ticket sent like an hour ago … thanx for trying
greetings Sir…
I’m not sure how that would help, even though I appreciate the offer… I start the client, wait for the data loading, ect ect, click on the character to log in and the screen goes black as it normally does, then just as some of the windows start to become visible through the darkness, I get two socket closed messages as shown here
Hope this helps
We would appreciate a support ticket from an account/character that is experiencing issues right now, so we can trace back the IP and network connection.
Exactly the same here Liverpool uk…
most of us here with the same issue m8 , we are waiting for a solution, not everyone has that problem though
Wait so we’re all complaining about the same problem but you ask that random bloke for a support ticket?
People, this has nothing to do with your local client, it’s all based on the internet itself so reinstalling/cleaning cache will no fix it…
Did anyone notice this post in Russian few days ago?
Most likely not. Seems the Russians to block any discourse and any opposition to main government first started to block certain IPs that many eastern Europeans use, also affecting some others i.e. CCP. Since then many from that European area switched to using VPNs so think to prevent those from reaching out again major indiscriminate DDOS was started from Russia and unfortunately just like before CCP got affected by this and they just doing their best to fix it… Of course it’s a speculation on my part but would definitely not be surprising…
So give them a break people cause it’s not their fault.
We are not banning specific IPs or subnets, the network traffic is being DDoS Scrubbed.
i just like the majority of you pay to play this game, but i can’t figure out how being generally belligerent, winging, or assigning blame to CCP is going to change anything for you (surely it’s not really making you feel any better? ). i think it’s safe to say CCP could have done without this event too…just sayin.
Please send us a ticket as well, from an account/character that just now tried to connect and still has issues.
I have a ticket in should I resubmit ?
yes I did 2 messages then no more 2 days ago…