2018/04/26 - Mass Disconnect Due To DDoS Attack

I’m having the same issue.

Solved for me : Cleared DNS cache and restarted a few times and now it works.

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same here, one system works, another doesn’t… odd

can you use a vpn and play Eve Online? I know bf4 wont let me lol… I like bf4. lets me hack so easily … :stuck_out_tongue: TY DICE!

What is “Operation Conscious interruption”? :thinking:
I am seeing that ad in launcher.

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ticket envoyé essayé de nouveau sans succes

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“Operation: Conscious Interruption celebrates 15 years of Capsuleers in New Eden, while at the same time requiring you to defend against The Drifter threat! Engage in a variety of play types intended for all levels of Capsuleer by defending SOCT facilities from attacking Drifters and get the exclusive XV Anniversary SKIN that drops during the event.”

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unrelated: but this gave me an idea, where like ccp was playing the drifters… and the customers, we’re playing normal capsulers or the new triv guys… lol that would be some interesting game play, game design.

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Does not work. Now stop insulting people’s intelligence.

Is that the load escape clear cache and reboot idea.? Did not work for me either…

i think he is just trying to help,

look, i didnt do anything… but wait… and got a dl file then it worked…

Yeah, cleared DNS cache, EVE cache, restarted client, rebooted, reloaded client…nothing…socket closed

I just got a reply
GM Sultan (EVE Online)
Apr 26, 22:46 UTC
Hi there, GM Sultan here,
Thank you for contacting EVE Player Experience!
At the moment, we are experiencing technical problems with the server, which probably is the cause of your problem. Our developers are actively investigating this situation, and we hope for an early resolution.
Thank you for your patience.
Best Regards,
GM Sultan
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie

I know so I gave it a go. I am currently verifying downloaded files and cache it has 21 corrupt files up to now…

yea like they made a post about it here or there or somewhere… ya know. go figure it wouldnt work when they just had a ddos attack. and then publicly informed us about it. lol

yeh not to bright an ide to tell…

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Whew, I thought someone took over the launcher and is distributing a malware thru ads now.

What a coincidence with this operation Title. :thinking:

/checks tinfoil cap placement on her head

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any of you guys play around with the precursor stuff on singularity?