2018/04/26 - Mass Disconnect Due To DDoS Attack

i still cant log into my account

Removed a few inappropriate responses.


i cant log too still getting error massage only

Yet this happened on the 25/04/2018

Europol took down the worlds biggest DDoS for Hire Service, yet according to CCP Games they must of missed one!


What are assburgers? Really giant hemorrhoids or something?


I even uninstalled / reinstalled and still cant log in.


Itā€™s not CCPā€™s fault some clown decides to hack into their servers lol.

Maybe direct the resentment to the hacker(s) instead?

Resentment? :rofl:

It was a harmless joke about having to do the washing up because the game was down.

Importantly, my comment was originally in a completely different thread entitled ā€˜encountered an error while refreshing tokenā€™ which was later merged into this one. There was no mention of a DDoS attack at that time and I and the others that posted in that thread knew nothing more than every attempt to launch the game was met with that ā€˜encountered an error while refreshing tokenā€™ message.

Go white knight somewhere else where itā€™s needed.


Iā€™ve been watching youtube all day, and just tried to click play on the launcher, and my game becomes non responsive. Iā€™ve even closed my launcher, and logged back in, and clicked on play, and same thing. Yesterday I was on for a little while. I havenā€™t done anything to the computer sense yesterday. Basically what Iā€™m saying is I canā€™t get into the game tonight.

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restart your computer. should fix it.

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Ok, I restarted my computer, and that fixed the problem.


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