2018/04/26 - Mass Disconnect Due To DDoS Attack

Socket close FIX: Login, before selecting character press ESC to get menu, setting, clear cache, restart launcher. May still be disconnects randomly during play.

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Able to log in (all my toons) normally on my desktop now. Problem appears to be solved (in this part of the world at least) !

Same here. Logged in on 4 accounts at once, doing PI and whatnot. No issues. On the upside, at least the test server is getting used for onceā€¦

was able to get all accounts logged i but missing a bunch of drones that were in my bays when i logged off last night

the game is still lagging pretty bad at this timeā€¦

Still canā€™t even get to the character screen. just gives me the ā€œmaybe youā€™re not connected to the internet or the server is not running.ā€ type messageā€¦ :frowning:

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I STILL can login. I want some refunded time.

Why do you want free stuff if you can still log in?

Make some sense, people!

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Wow, seems there was a bunch of shite happening while I was sleeping.

Before attempting to log into the game, Iā€™ll just open up the Launcher, select the ā€˜Eā€™ icon in the top right corner, select ā€˜Shared Cacheā€™ and then select ā€˜Verify integrity of downloaded files and purge extra filesā€™.

After thatā€™s done Iā€™ll activate the Launcher and before selecting a character, will access Esc - ā€˜Reset Settingsā€™ tab - ā€˜Clear all cache filesā€™ and do the restart.

Hopefully there wonā€™t be any problems after that.

So the script kiddies just wanna have their own artificially-induced TiDi, am I correct?

Okay, green light! I am back online people! Thanks CCP.

For those whoā€™s still having trouble logging in, all i can say is just be patient. Soon or later things is gonna sort itself out. Hopefully, soon.

It took me some 9 hours after the DDoS attack inorder for me to be able to log back into my toon.


I donā€™t like watching football

Isnā€™t there like some religious doctrine for Amarrians that dictates you have to like watching Amarrian football? :stuck_out_tongue:

So is the 12 year old script kiddy who did this gonna be named and shamed?

Also is SiSi currently affected by this or is that just me?

@CCP_Explorer Iā€™m back up and running on both my accounts this morning, having submitted tickets on both last night as you requested. Thank you CCP for fixing this problem, which you didnā€™t cause, and for ignoring all the whiny, self entitled, momā€™s-basement-dwelling little man-children vomiting their unwarranted bile all over this thread while you sorted it all out. Well done !


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not sad enough to use a little botnet of Win98 machines against my favourite game servers every time a dev makes a decision I donā€™t like.


I donā€™t even know you and yet I love you.


@CCP_Explorer seems thereā€™s issues with the launcher now. Iā€™m experiencing some of the same issues as others in this thread.

Twice within the last hour before DT I got kicked from the game with the dreaded double ā€˜Socket Closedā€™ message. After clicking ā€˜okā€™, the launcher went all dark with a picture of a Corpse on it with a message saying something like ā€˜Searching for GUIā€™. Then a pop up message saying something about ā€˜Security Certā€™ for Eve Online wasnā€™t recognized. Also another message saying something about the site address not being correct.

I had to go into Launcher settings and click ā€˜ignore security cert messagesā€™ because those messages just continued to spawn every time I closed that message box.

Anyway, after a while It seemed to work and I was able to log back in for a short time before the same events happened again.

I thought everything would be all fixed by now, guess not. Hopefully everything will be all sorted out when I try to log in and play the game later on.

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Dunno about you but everything works just fine for me.

Yeah, everything seemed fine for me too and then those issues happened. Gonna go do something else now, hopefully when I try to play the game later everything will back to normal.

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