2018/09/24 - Login System Issues

i’m in

Wasn’t able to login but now everything seems to be working again. Thanks CCP for the quick(ish) fix!

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Back in, ship intact and drones in hold \ö/

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Alabama US back on

well i lost my golem due to this crash… can i get my ship back pls?

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No login for me can’t get in … ( Belgium) :frowning:

Guys, cannot belive this, just went through this launch problems after trillions of attempts! Maybe Czech back online!

Я твой дом трубу шатал. А я думал что мне одному сегодня не повезло.

Thanks, i can Log-in now… but my neighborhood is very empty…

Thats not necessarily a bad thing…


О аллилуя, боги скинули кусочек …я

Try closing and reloading your Launcher, Noggeras Ferraton

Good job CCP :smiley:

You know that it is not funny anymore, aren’t you?

LOL You are Right!

but the posts on the forums are HILARIOUS when such happens … HA HA HA HA HA !!!

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Hamsters fed.

Had to unload , then eventually the Eve Online Laucher recognized the Steam account

Still can’t login in with the “Add Account” option.