i’m in
Wasn’t able to login but now everything seems to be working again. Thanks CCP for the quick(ish) fix!
Back in, ship intact and drones in hold \ö/
Alabama US back on
well i lost my golem due to this crash… can i get my ship back pls?
No login for me can’t get in … ( Belgium)
Guys, cannot belive this, just went through this launch problems after trillions of attempts! Maybe Czech back online!
Я твой дом трубу шатал. А я думал что мне одному сегодня не повезло.
Thanks, i can Log-in now… but my neighborhood is very empty…
Thats not necessarily a bad thing…
О аллилуя, боги скинули кусочек …я
Try closing and reloading your Launcher, Noggeras Ferraton
Good job CCP
You know that it is not funny anymore, aren’t you?
LOL You are Right!
but the posts on the forums are HILARIOUS when such happens … HA HA HA HA HA !!!
Hamsters fed.
Had to unload , then eventually the Eve Online Laucher recognized the Steam account
Still can’t login in with the “Add Account” option.