2018/09/24 - Login System Issues

problems with chat channels? the list on who is in local?

Well he WAS about to get his sh*t pushed in.

It works normal ATM. 26089 pilots online +1 :sunglasses:

and the local is screwed…again

down again? cant log in

Hope dies last…

weird now I can’t login to website on one of 8 accounts. all others are fine, 1 says incorrect user or password etc…

All fixed

Well thanks ccp for patching the same problem again, that you really should have fixed the first time.

Chat channels are connecting and disconnecting and are not showing up in the channel list.

my chat just all dc and reconnected , I re-logged NOT FIXED…

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The only chat that is working is Local.

Not able to select anyone in system to open a chat convo with let alone anything else for that matter.

lol i pod jumped from Inaro to jita and now im in jita with local 14 pff and says im still in inaro in chat lol


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Something is tweaked wrong. Maybe arthritis in the server started acting up again.

They were having problems earlier. One of the nodes had crashed. I don’t know how that would affect the chat server.

well considering the last time i checked the new chat server is operated on some Amazon Cloud thing or something… the code might be CCP’s…the hardware we use for chat is not.

And this has gone so splendidly since the changeover.


if it’s broken …blame DDoS

What happened? Did CCP say you gotta stop with the big time Jita games?