2018/09/24 - Login System Issues

my Killmail in the Abyss-Site https://zkillboard.com/kill/72583818/


did we just get memed

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The timer. The SP !

https://zkillboard.com/kill/72583869/ People are loosing drones now

Falcon while we are haveing our weekly unscheduled downtime we can discuss the question why Shtirlizz isnt banned yet !

Crash with all excavator out. I’m scared too lose my drone :confused:

i blame Thanos, half the connections lost


That sucks bro, sorry

So many people are logging in that player count is going down instead of up. :frowning:


oh no!!! :frowning:

Fuct again

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oh bummer!

опять ссп пидары еву поломали!!!

I’m just happy it happened after I emptied my hull.

Updated servers
Crashing like never before

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This seem to happen every time I actually want to play this game…

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its a good thing i was just hanging around wait to do an op, normally at this time id be using some expensive drones

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big thanks…. im losing my ship through this issues…. got disconnectet while Fighting some NPCs…