CCP don’t read even test server bugs from these forums take your complaints to Reddit
reddit is blank too
anyway, jita/corp chat got some issue at some time and it affect gaming experience
Stopped working for me now too, unable to realy play without chat system lol
cleared eve cache , reset all settings etc … no luck
cant join any channel
channel list empty
manunally typing channel name not working either
clicking on chat link to join it also not working
stuck in low sec and wanted to pvp
no eve playing without local intel
Is there anything I can do on my end to get chat back?
nope, this appears to be a global issue. CCPlease, some feedback here?
Ohh yeah, not sure if related but lost a ship today …and no kill mail
I’m prety sure I have lost it lol
tried chatting on local …after some time text I typed turns from white to dark
Local chat …it’s living in wormhole space everywhere at the moment LOL!
yup chat not working here either…
current status, on a fresh login:
Local nonfunctional
Corp nonfunctional
Alliance nonfunctional
Joining fleet does not spawn new fleet chat
It’s as if the chat engine has disconnected from EVE.
Scotty beam me up now… Sorry Captain but we lost the Flux Capacitor
Either they pulled the chat server down to work on it, or it is failing.
so this is what happens when you actually do kick the chat server…
oh and the channel list isn’t working either :\
meh …not working … but one channel showed up with peeps in it tho
local still no go
Yeah…it’s completely down in game. Can’t start player to player convos either. At least in game mail is working.
So … do I need to spend some PLEX to buy chat privileges?
Holy ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ fix your goddamn game. You can’t run an MMO where nobody can talk to each other. I can’t see any chat in any channel on either account, everything is empty. This is worse than the random channel skips before.
wow, take a pill, it’s just the chat.
Fleet chat ain’t working either. And unless you live in a wormhole, chat is an intel tool. It tells you who is in system.
Come on CCP FFS fix ya ■■■■ god damn it. I urge everyone who is at war and loses a ship coz they cant see local to send petitiions to CCP
May as well play solitaire as not need to talk to anyone there
Not Friggin happy Jan
I’ll say one thing though, look at zkill from around 0215 EVE time, at the rate at which VNIs ratbots and minerbots are dropping! I’m not gonna complain at all, in fact I’ll say good one CCP, whatever’s going on it’s allowing those who want, to deal with the botters the way they should be dealt with: mercilessly!