Talking In Stations group will be awarding “most influential” awards for a player and an organization. We want your help in finding the right people to award. Who do you think made the biggest difference to the most amount of players in EVE this year can be in or out of game;
A) Person - WINNER. Pando, FC for Initiative
B) Organization - WINNER. TEST Alliance
Awards will be announced, live on Talking In Stations December 30th.
Supercap FC’s & strategists across all of EVE have given us a lot of great fights in 2018 such as X47, UALX, C-L, and many more helldunks like the burning of dronelands by the holy league. As line members, watchers of streams, readers of articles - we have these people to thank for helping plan, organize, and lead these battles.
B) Bomber’s Bar. Hundreds of players participate a day. Likely, even including all the major supercapital fights this year, the largest contributor to the death of supercarriers in 2018.