they work?
CCP or the hamsters?
С таким отношением скоро все разбегутся и заходить некому будет))
and no one can READ you scream either
poor hamster, call greenpeace
иди в танки играй
Either, neither, wait… What was the question ?
At least the bookmarks are working everywhere
oh wait… there were these few places where the don’t…
Why does Milk have a “Use By” date ?
If you reach a certain age you will become more and more relaxed…
I survived mightygames(jumpgate)…
Compared with them ccp is pure gold(someone remember the 3 day outtime after 1 mb patch?)…
Keep calm…
a short DT, should I just try again tomorrow?
The local atack again
Jita has never been so quite, cant we keep it atleast in JIta? Dont wanne see or read anyone in Local.
WOW back in the day. Now THAT was downtime.
When PLEX were 300m for a month?
7 years ago
Did someone drop in a demand for 1 mil SP compensation meme yet?
Not sure if that comparison is in CCP’s favor… because i doubt there are many game companies that managed to delete boot.ini from the system with a patch.