2020/01/27 & 28 - TQ under DDoS

East coast Canada not connecting

France here, can’t connect.

I agree. I believe the team is working hard to fix their beloved game.

Complaining about it is not helping. So we either need to help them fix the game or there are plenty of other games people can play in the downtime while the issue is being worked on.

I am not a computer nerd, i do not work for Geek Squad, but if i had a solution i would offer it up as an idea to try.

Hackers will hack and players will play and babies will cry. Which one are you?


Cant Connect
Australia here

East Coast USA here

I said ah well. I stopped trying to log. Why bother.

Hey, here’s an idea. Since Singularity is working so well, just swap ports. Transfer Tranquility to Singularity port and vice versa! grin Wonder how long it will take the haxxors to figure that one out…

I was wondering why my scanning was a bit glitchy. All good I wont die if I can’t play spaceships for a while, what I might die of is the heat here in australia though… blehhh

Indiana here - hung up on authenticating

4 days and still no fix?

South carolina here, working through a VPN and been trying a variety of locations with no luck really. It’s been the worst tonight compared to the other 2 nights.

Arizona down

It is so bad for me I am having to play… gulp … RUST. !! Buncha naked dudes running around poking me in the back with their pointy weapons…

 I mean its not the worst thursday night i have ever had....
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Chicago Still no love on the login…Aren’t most of us just IT nerds? Can’t we just track the culprit?

I don’t Blame CCP at all for this, I blame everyone that Doesn’t update there Devices that connect to the internet ie routers, webcams because that what hackers use to make botnet that do these ddos attacks.


Waaaah can anyone please finally drone bomb, cruise missile, heavy neut blast, doomsday those hackers to hell? Is there anything more vile and pathetic than attacking a game? I mean, gamers are not causing worlds trouble right? :smiley: EU here by the way, seems we eventually have to deal with life then :wink:

It would be funny if it wasn’t so terribly sad!

DDos’ing a game? really? ha pathetic.

Oh well, lets hope they give up before the weekend :slight_smile:

CCP dopamine! hey.

There are people on twitter speculating that the attack is a response to the “skill packs” available from the eve store. If this is true, then I really pity these people for being so imbalanced as to have a disproportionate response for their petty greivances with CCP. I mean, as I have stated in a post above, people have gone to jail for a few years for DDOSing games. A rational person wouldn’t do this if the skill packs are really the cause of the DDOS. As for the skill packs themselves - I don’t care. This game is hard enough for new players to get into. Selling 250k SP or even 1m SP is nothing in the terms of total training. And yes, I had to wait for my SP to tick slowly up; And yes I know others did too; And no, I don’t care; And no, I don’t subscribe to the idea that if I had to do something then everybody else should have the same hardships.


Echostriker_Xandros, I am curious how you feel about injectors costing the same ISK for new and for older players but the number of skill points received being so different based on the number of SP a player has.

I’m not trolling, I would like to know your opinion.


I absolutely agree! When I saw e.g. the skill injectors first, I also thought sth like oh well its pay to win now… but considering that you can quite easily earn the ISK to buy them, it’s not bad at all. Furthermore, to keep the game on the market and up and running, CCP has to move with the times as some kinds of in app purchases are super common in all MMOs these days and also actually causing a game to thrive (when it is or became free to play at least).
And yes, even a few million SP are nothing but a kickstart to maybe a bigger ship… so if this would really be the reason, it’d be just dumb…