Wow,…this really sucks,…I’m in the States,.,…
Cant even log in…
only 14k players left online
ya login server just went down, can’t even get into the mobile app at the moment, so i think it’s a good time to say “He’s dead Jim” and go play star trek online
Until they release their IP and someone else unassociated is given that IP. I’d rather they perma ban the account and destroy the keepstar so they don’t have a reason to keep up the habit.
This isn’t CCPs fault…not much they can do on their end against a DDoS
Today is the first time in about two weeks I could play longer then an hour or two. The DDoS attacks have thrown me out of game twice today and cut my play time down to two hours. This is way out of hand and I hope CCP removes the players/alliance/IP address from New Eden forever!
Saw 9000 and change, last night. I was alone in multiple systems.
It was almost creepy. lol
Database issue ? erm DDoS again ?
Alert Server Is Down after massive-scale disconnect, lost many battleship in our incursion fleet. Seeking re-compensation, cannot log-in to the game. Loaded dark screen, no char selection tab. Same across other platforms.
why should people not franticly try to log back into saving their stuff from this crap of needing support tickets that is just madness to say that
Char selection tab loaded after full 10 minutes, clicked on the toon and stuck in forever loading.
That was noticable for me. when will it end.
I would really like my ship to respond to orders. How stupid they would be, doesnt matter …
even salvaging is becoming a problem
Вначале пропали некоторые астероиды, потом стало очень сильно задерживать команды. Потом я улетел на станцию и вышел из игры. Зайти больше не могу. Да и не пытаюсь уже.
Bro before I disconnected, it took 5 minutes to dock up and 70 seconds for market tab to load…
Will someone please DDoS these ■■■■■■■■ threads bitching about the losses of idiots while they also DDoS the main game servers cos this is getting fkn stupid now…
I think it will take some days to recover from this