I mean, the question was if someone is able to to switch between 10 accounts and do one click in each window within the timeframe of 1. The mouse would be the fastest, because it’s the smallest movement and it needs no accuracy if the finger already lays on the button.
So let’s say the clicks can be done, but how exactly can will someone either switch the mouse position or do something that takes equal or more time, like switching screens, pressing keyboard shortcuts or the likes?
I’d say if someone claims to be able to activate 10 sets of guns this way in just one second, 99.9% chance that it’s a lie. 3 seconds, sure, possible. 1, probably not.
The other way around, if someone sees 10 ships activating within 1 second and they have reason to believe that it is the same player, I’d definitely say that there is a very high chance that some form of input automation, broadcasting or even a mechanical solution is used to cheat.
It’s really easy, everyone can try it out at home:
Try to get a watch and see how quickly a second passes. Now trying clicking your mouse 10 times while moving it a bit. Alternatively try to click your mouse 10 times and 9 times in between press a button on your keyboard to emulate the change of screens.
note: I think this is not related to the OPs killmail, as iirc there is no claim of the Taloses being activated within 1 second.
Yeah, I’d also do it like that and I agree it’s rather quick. There was the question (possibly unrelated to the above killmail) if anyone could do 10 of these activations in a second. The answer is: 99.9% no.
Click a single button and click the mouse, repeat 10 times. That’s 20 actions in one second. Now, you do this on two different hands, but you need to coordinate it so that it all fits together.
If I were multiboxing on that scale I’d have 2-3 computers with 2-3 monitors on each and not full screen but minimally set up clients, maybe 4 per monitor, and have window switching hotkeyed. So it would take me about 0.25 seconds to switch between windows on same monitor while about 1-2 seconds to switch between monitors.
That’s just me though, other people may vary of course.
Next time make sure you save your own log. What you are looking for is time interval between damage sources. Either way, as CCP stated, if its suspicious, report it and let them sort it out. Attach any logs or whatever else with the reports.
If it turns out it was legit, nothing will happen, if it turns out it was a bot, action will be taken. Thats by CCP.
For me personally, multiboxing, AFKing anything, macroing, botting. hacking other peoples accounts etc. its all the same exact ■■■■ to me. I do not differentiate. The more of it is out of the game the better, good riddance.
No, this was single click. I was implying I was not at home to use more appropriate equipment and that if I was, it would be likely much faster.
I would defiantly agree, not everybody can do things quickly… heck… even automation can be set to do things slower than what a person might be able to accomplish.
Something to remember though, this is a server second… Lag comes into play. So 10 in the same second apparent could be quite doable by a person.
I remember quite fondly from my FPS days having people complain because I “killed them before they rounded the corner”… they had come round it already on my screen
So many jealous bears here and I know why. It’s because I’m the number 1 pvper in eve and you lot pve and haul in 50mil tayras while you watch me solo dunk 80bil rheas
Using isboxer to log in characters at the same time would actually be one of the things you are allowed to use broadcasting for. The same goes with setting up your ui if you wish to do it manually.
I repeat, this is not the loss detailed above by the OP, I have a log of an attack which a player let me have as I wanted to check what they were using to point his JF. That was how he agreed to give them to me. Then I saw this thread and it made me think because I had seen the video’s of gankers using the alt-tab method and assumed that it was kosher. So I then started looking at the logs I have and it looks suspicious.
And I have never lost a ship to CODE, and only a thrasher once while shooting Russian gankers. I have hauled a lot of stuff into the market hubs at times. Anyway these are not my logs and not the logs of the loss detailed by the OP.
I will speak to the player concerned.
For me too, however added to that I want Eve to be a challenge for both sides, be it hunters and prey, I have often argued against stuff that makes it too easy.
I am aware of that, it is that a number of people told me here in this thread that 5 per second was what you would expect, so I am now highly suspicious of this.
EDIT Logs sent by Evemail to @Old_Pervert and @Noragen_Neirfallas after permission granted by the player concerned. Let me know what you think.
It was stated that it was 8 in one go not 10 as I said, my error. In terms of the possibility it is on the extreme end of what is possible.
The player should absolutely report botting if he suspects it took place. The only way to get rid of botters is to report them and unfortunately even that doesn’t really work. The game design itself is just too bot-friendly to solve the problem.
(tbfh, given the lossmail in OP, I hope he won’t be reimbursed even in case of botting. The fuck was that…)
That he is using automation is beyond any doubt, as i said i watched 20 alts in action in Uedama for about an hour… is also crystal clear that any GM can notice the automation only using the visual clues, logs are not even required.
So my conclusion was that he is tolerated because he is running around 25 omega accounts… that mean a lot of $$$. Put on top of that he burn through tons of isk blowing up a lot of ships with low value/ no value cargo, just for the kill value (empty JF, etc), isk who he gets by selling plexes for sure.
Thinking what small fortune he spend for that ego boosting gank operations, i felt sorry for him and that alone was enough for of a reason to not bother reporting him… Really, wasting so much time and money is already a big punishment for him…