24/10/2018 - Login Issues - [RESOLVED]

file a ticket, get reimbursed, meanwhile we’re all logging in o/

http://prntscr.com/l9p1uv Jesus fokin Christ… my dread survived c6 site after dc…


did you lose your isk and no battleship? is it located in different station?

ARMAGEDDON? Didn’t that involve a gerbil?

please feed the hamsters!

i’m very upset i didnt get to haul my stuffs out the lowsex while everyone was logged out

oh well

I think it was because of the brutal disconnection from the server while doing the purchase D:!

Help!! I didn’t get my battleship!!! D:

minus one rattlesnake but NOT minus one naglfar!

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I was out ratting in a VNI…I m hoping it doesn’t go kablewy to rats…if this gets resolved and I’m not able to dock up, my ship might go bye-bye to unfriendly go-ers.

I just log in and found I lost 5 einherji II, are you guys compensate me? and my losing time?

Lost a tengu. Sigh… off to the support ticket.

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It is probably because they cant, it might be some thing on the server has burnt out, or overheated. the server components do get old and die.

fires up “Cows Got Guns” in reply

Do you still have your ISK?
If you have the ISK and not the battleship, no real harm no foul.

I would not complain if I had it, but all is gone D:

Good luck on that.
Filed for my Muninn as well.
Abyss sucks, with this stuff keeping happening.

help pls!!! my ship didnt get to me D:

Yeah the last time there was an outage during prime time like this I lost an expensive gila in an abyssal site. It was restored the next day after a support ticket so it worked out okay.

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What about your implants?