I am providing a trustworthy, 3rd party service to hold isk / items throughout the duration of a trade. I have no allegiances, I cannot be bought and simply look to ensure that each party receives the agreed conclusion to any form of trade no matter the size.
I offer
- item / isk holding
- mainly operating out of Jita, Amarr and Amamake yet willing to negotiate alternative regions
- 1% total fee, can be split between the two parties or negotiated separately
- to help fairly with any negotiations if requested
- to inform the other party should one attempt to bribe, not uphold their side of the bargain or act dishonestly
- return of all items / isk should a deal fall through
I ask
- both sides to honour agreements being made
- for a kindly written review / recommendation to friends following successful trades
No trade is too big or too small, simply get in contact in game or through discord @ Exht and we can discuss further.