Just logging in to check if is an UI bug, all I know this morning every fit was showing really bad negative CAP, yet the before server down everything was completely stable.
will post if it’s good now or not, then we’ll know if it was a UI issue, or database issue that seems to have fixed itself by the magic of pixey dust database engineers!
Ok just run that above fit (one with image) and is running completely stable, never dropping below 33% with MWD and Command burst running continuously.
So ether an UI issue (which I question, as it was multiple ships affected) or update effected database and someone fixed the mistake during the day (possible as backend thing and no patch required, just change states {dock, undock, log off/on or change systems})
You can drop the fit cost by 400 mil and it’ll still be stable. Also it’s just way more logical to state your stable…ness based on how much cap it will level out on. Your fit is stable at 52%, a non-bling fit is stable at 46%.
The Fast Gunner fit is identical in speed, but lacks the 10km jump capability. (+30% WH bonus, plus a 22.7% burst bonus, just for those wondering how it’s doing over 10km/s)
(and yes the mentioned abyssal 50mn version is just under 12km/s)