50mn mwd cap increase (bug?)

Has anyone else noticed after the last server update that 50mn mwd are using more cap on activation?

Checked a number of 8km/s+ command destroyer chase fits and everyone completely unstable now, even with just 50mn running.

Interested in see if others have this issue on frigates and destroyer fits they have.

Activation cost is consistent with a non-updated pyfa and two item database websites.

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Then command destroyers might be where bug is.

This fit was cap stable.

[Pontifex, Pontifex]
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Dark Blood Capacitor Power Relay
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
True Sansha Power Diagnostic System

Micro Jump Field Generator
True Sansha Cap Recharger
Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive

Skirmish Command Burst II

Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Ancillary Current Router II

'Augmented' Acolyte x5
'Augmented' Hornet x5
'Augmented' Hobgoblin x5

Rapid Deployment Charge x1800

get 10,619.57m/s in the hole with command burst running and the same 100km jump every 3-4minutes (depending on if I remember to active), she’s CAP stable at 13.4%.

Another with same issue.

[Draugur, Speed Gunner]
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core

Ammatar Navy Cap Recharger
Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II

Skirmish Command Burst II
Veles Light Entropic Disintegrator
Responsive Auto-Targeting System I

Small Auxiliary Thrusters II
Small Ancillary Current Router II

'Augmented' Acolyte x4

Rapid Deployment Charge x300
Tracking Speed Script x1
Nanite Repair Paste x129
Tetryon Exotic Plasma S x500

Can supply others with same issue.

api would update those as soon as anyone logged in with eve account access.
You sure pyfe not got your app details?

Maybe @CCP_Dopamine or @CCP_Fozzie can confirm.

That isn’t how is works, though - the API pulls character data and skills, but the actual information and attributes for all ships and modules is local & is patched with each update to the given app or site, like pyfa or everef.net etc.

I’m interested to see what your issue’s origin is, though

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Those above fits and other similar ones were completely stable on my eve before the server update at downtime, now none are, even an abyssal 50mn fit.

Must be a bug. Didnt see any changes in patch notes. Of course you are sure your clone implants or skills didnt change?

Same clone improved standard attitude implants and training and research implants.

@Nana_Skalski with those fits from above you get the same results?

I only think that is a bug or mistake because they were changing the stats on some ships, and maybe by mistake also included some data that shouldnt be there for other ships, like rate of regeneration of capacitor.

Or they forgot to mention in patch notes.

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If that was actually the case there must have been a bug before.

The peak recharge rate is (supposed to be) at 25%, so this would be the lowest point for a fitting to be stable.

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That’s stable with a positive 13.4% CAP regen., never goes below 33%.

it’s possible to have even lower CAP regen…

This one was 2.7% positive and could running without issue non-stop.

[Draugur, Tracker]
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core

Cap Recharger II
Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Micro Jump Field Generator

Skirmish Command Burst II

Small Auxiliary Thrusters II
Small Ancillary Current Router II

'Augmented' Acolyte x4

Rapid Deployment Charge x300
Nanite Repair Paste x129

Mybe its an UI bug? Have you tried flying it to test if that is indeed a non stable fit?

Just to prevent future misunderstandings. Usually when people talk about the cap being stable at x% they refer to the point where cap recharge rate equals the consumption.

So that got me confused :slight_smile:

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yip that above fit kills the CAP in 5 cycles of MWD running, and only 2 MJG cycles and 2 command bursts.

I’ve always gone down the way of CAP stable or unstable with +/- **%.

That way my guys know it’s stable or unstable with a positive or negative charge rate of X%.

And they know it’s combat use, so single cycle modules or low use modules aren’t active.

But that’s how we’ve gone it since 2004, yes others do it the way you talk about, but we believe that’s incorrect method. Each to their own.

Its the first time since 2003 that I have seen anyone describe it that way :).

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the old days when everything was new and we were all starry eyed! :wink:

when there was no nullsec, no T2 or anything faction or better, and ship selection was limited to 4 frigates, 4 cruisers, 4 battleships and 4 indies ships and shuttles. And NO CONCORD, just bloodly faction police that chased you around the system till they killed you or you managed to escape somehow, instead of this instant pod Concord does.

:slight_smile: Good old times indeed… Anyway this is kinda going offtopic… I just wanted to clear up why I got confused there :).

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