7.2m Sp LVL 4 Burner runner + Angel Faction puller + Serp / Guristas corp puller. Plus social skills

Selling myself to the highest bidder.

The character is setup to run Lvl 4 anomic Burner missions in a garmur.

Has a full Geno pod and relevant implants to do a Polarized Rage rocket fit.

Faction Puller for Angels

Corp puller for Guristas and Seperntis inquest.

No in a major rush so willing to wait for the right buyer.

Positive sec status and isk balance

Jita 4-4

NPC corp

I will pay the transfer with cash.




Bump to the top

Ill offer 7b

Cheers for the starting bid mate


Yours for 7b if you still want Kurto.

Send isk and account info.

Rdy to send isk, just reply to my igm first if possible. Cheers.

Sent isk

Isk and account info received.

Transfer started!


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