I am selling my mining fleet - it comes equipped with:
5 Hulk Pilots at around 5.6M SP Each
1 Orca/Hauler 11.3M SP
1 Orca/Boost/Refining/Rorq Mining Capable 20.9M SP
Hulk Pilots each start at 5B:
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse I - SOLD
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse II - SOLD
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse III - SOLD
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse IV - SOLD
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse V - 5B Min
Ocular Filter - Basic
Memory Augmentation - Basic
Neural Boost - Basic
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
Inherent Implants ‘Highwall’ Mining MX-1003
- EveSkillboard - Ergo VI - SOLD
Ocular Filter - Basic
Memory Augmentation - Basic
Neural Boost - Basic
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
Social Adaptation Chip - Basic
Mining Foreman Mindlink
- EveSkillboard - Belcrosse VI - 30B Min
Ocular Filter - Improved
Memory Augmentation - Improved
Neural Boost - Improved
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved
Social Adaptation Chip - Improved
Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Reprocessing RX-804
All sales adhere to forum rules. Including Positive Wallet, No kill rights and any other requirements for selling the toon itself.
All toons have no jumpclones.
I will consider all offers but do not guarantee acceptance of any - if you wish to negotiate a better price for keeping them as a group I will negotiate on those terms as well.