I got a few ideas about how to possibly add actual security in lowsec systems which would enable them on greater scale for players, but will still keep them literal ,low security’’ space + some miscellanous ideas
-prevent any devices, deployables (from mobile depots to warp disruption field generators, everything except containers) to be placed up to 25 km from wormholes and disrupt targeting, d-scan, use of any devices/modules in ship (excluding engines and warpdrive) when ship flies to 15 km radius of wormhole, it would additionally effect ships trying to attack target which lies <15km from wormhole, because they wouldn’t be able to lock on it, just like the ship being <15km from wormhole isn’t able to lock on them nor anything else.
It would have quasi-scientific explanation written at the end of wormhole’s info window - ,Warning! extremely unstable nature of wormhole and strong anomalic influence it creates limits the use of technological devices in the area’’
When player warps to wormhole within less than ,warp within 30km’’, 25% chance exists that his ship will warp 12-25km behind or in front of wormhole - this would be part of wormhole’s anomalic effect disrupting ships’ navigation system, you would never be sure if wormhole’s disruptive influence doesn’t touch you. What’s more, you will be at constant risk of overwarping from wormhole’s ,disruption area’’ of 20km what would leave you defenseless against possible wormhole camp ;
-enable CONCORD to react on players’ criminal activity in form of using any covert module against other capsuleer near npc owned stations (in 150 km radius of each station) in LS with response time of:
0.4 - 25 seconds, 0.3 - 27 seconds, 0.2 - 29 seconds, 0.1 - 31 seconds. However, CONCORD would be able to chase criminals outside of station area, but if that criminal warps away from lowsec system he commited crime in to another lowsec system, CONCORD in adjacent lowsec system won’t attack him unless he warps to any station again up to 15 minutes after commiting crime.
-player owned stations would be able to rent CONCORD defense in lowsec systems in 150km radius. In order to do so, they would need to buy CONCORD Bureau Beacon, which could be placed 25-50km within the radius of player structure and would cost 2 000 000 000 ISK (it will self-construct itself in 24 hours).
CONCORD Bureau would bring exact same defense to player owned station as security status of each system tells (Bureau installed next to station in 0.4 sec will bring CONCORD response time appropriate to mentioned security status in this system, ex: CONCORD Bureau will provide 25 seconds response time of CONCORD when installed in 0.4 sec system player station, 27 in 0.3 sec etc.). This building would be dockable, like casual player station.
When player with criminal status warps to lowsec station owned by his corporation/alliance, he will automatically turn to suspect status, anyone who aids him (including his corpmates) will gain criminal status. Every criminal-made activity commited by player belonging to corporation within 150 km area of corporation-controlled station will give him criminal status regardless his corporation’s control over this station. The option with ,running away’’ to friendly station only works when player comitted crime outside of his corporation’s station and outside of system where this station lies (ex: pirate comitting a crime in system X with corp-owned station in it will not be able to run away there in order to gain suspect status and be safe from CONCORD offensive, however - comitting a crime in system V/Y/Z/G/B etc. and warping to X to hide in corp station should save him from death by the hands of CONCORD ships).
Rent cost would have to be paid monthly: 350 million ISK, otherwise, CONCORD Bureau will dectivate until rent cost is paid again.
It’ll also deactivate whenever player structure begins to be besieged. Bureau disappears when station is eventually destroyed.
Do you think these would be good ideas to make this part of gameplay in EVE, as well as the whole game overall more newbie-friendly and friendly towards all the players who want to explore and do their industry/trade/pve jobs at least a bit more safely but still reasonably comfortable towards those who oppose them (like gankers)?
I am not playing for very long time, so I propably didn’t understand many aspects of gameplay properly, but you can always improve these ideas, reject them wholly or maybe embrace them?