A fun story for all trolls out there in eve

I am not tryint to get any reaction out of you. I am just trying to understand. I didn’t know how reimbursement works and I am asking because I really want to know how this works. So what exactly did you get reimbursed? The Widow hull and the Raitaru station? And did you petition each one for reimbursement, or were they reimbursed automatically?

for a reimbursement need you to make a ticket yes. and you probably get your stuff always reimbursed as soon multiboxing in HS is involved. arran lost back in the days a rattlesnake and got multiboxed from a guy named youlikeit if i remember correct. that was in low sec. he got his rattlesnake back aswell but everything which dropped from that kill got ne not reimbursed. you will never get 100% back of your reimbursement request. i have no idea if it is possible to get reimbursed in null cause of multiboxing =/

i dont know how much amy lost, i never looked into the Kill mail. i lost the factory module, the standup armor plating and the hydrogen fuel blocks. everything else got i back =x

but if you want to know how much amy lost, just look what dropped and what got destroyed. you dont get dropped modules/ammonition/whatever drops back. oh wait edit, i didnt got that rocket launcher thing back either … i think … i dont remember, sold already everything x.x

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I didn’t know it was that simple. I always thought multiboxing was allowed. But even so, the Raitaru was a solo kill during a war. How did you get that reimbursed?

its simple. multiboxing was involved. he was with his alts in system aswell.
it got recorded. like i shown somewhere above 1 video aswell. he made a huge mistake aswell. writing to me with an alt acc that he owns multible corporations etc. this corp to which he switched is his alt corp aswell. he tried to wardec morpheus (the corp from amy) with thatone but failed because the station literarly unancored 10 minutes after the war started ^^ he wasnt amused about that either.

fact is, i got my stuff back. i only lost about 300m or so. i get that back with doing 3 minor conduits or roaming around for 50 min in WH data sites. anyways, adrian is now for some reason scared that peoples spy after him. that guy is content in eve online in my eyes. i dont like it either that peoples asking me here “then screw his killboard over and prove it” yea … no, i have better stuff to do then following a guy which only engages when he can win. go on your own to everyshore and experience it on your own.

Don’t bother replying to those trolls, they’re just sad miserable people, trying to feel better about themselves by talking down on other people.

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I always thought that multiboxing was allowed. By what you are saying, CCP should have a team of GM’s just to reimburse victims of PIRAT and Hell Dawn. I think you just got lucky.
@DEATH_Arran 's only rattlesnake loss is this:

Did that get also reimbursed?
And you get 300 mil. in 3 minor conduits? That doesn’t sound right… again, you must be very lucky.
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yea, that thing got reimbursed aswell according ot arran, he even shown me back then the concord message … and no … i dont show here in public any concord reimbursement << like i said. i got long ago in trouble with ccp for making it “public” in like with “a clear proof” i dont do that a 2nd time -- just saying that i was suspended for 2 weeks in the past because of that -.-

so. all i can say is. you guys believe it or not. thats totally up to you.
fact is, as soon multiboxing in HS is involved and you can proof it get you atleast your ship reimbursed - dropped modules. it seems to work in low sec aswell. but i doubt it works in null. otherwise would probably tons of peoples reimburse their stuff after a war because i am pretty sure there are multi accounts xD

oh yes, edit, yes you can get about 300m in 3~4 minor conduits, just salvage aswell? if you want to get even more rich, turn the salvage into implants.

I still don’t see the multiboxing on the Raitaru kill. If just the other ships are present in the system but don’t participate, it’s still considered multiboxing?
And what CONCORD message? I never got anything reimbursed. You mean the
“Your friendly insurance company has transferred 7,252,683.37 ISK into your account for the recent loss of your ship. This payout is the default payout for an uninsured ship. If you are interested in better insurance then please visit a station with an Insurance Service for further details.”

no, you get a concord reimbursement message that you got your stuff reimbursed and that it is in {insert station name here]. it has nothing to do with insurance.

Never got one of those. Does it appear in the game? Like in the game-mail? Or as an e-mail from CCP to your personal e-mail?

no Oo, its where all that trash mail stuff goes. like when you fly into a triglavian invaded system and concord mails you about " system is invaded, ya can help and getting LP blabla" CCP never writes personal mails to players (i never seen it). why do you ask me so much … i kind of start to believe you try to troll with senseless questions which you could answer to yourself by simply … googling it. …


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is there a close this topic request button xD?

I ask because this is all new to me and it could be very useful because I would like my things reimbursed too. Instead of grinding for billions I would very much like my stuff reimbursed.

this is an interesting topic. why would you want it closed?

because everything already ended? like … 2 weeks ago? and yet troll peoples comming still in here and trying to find victims? or just continue to troll? thats why.

and look poor sap is back too

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Kaabii - Baby Crying

no, thats not the reason, its more like you guys just trolling and putting words into my mouth rather then talking about it xD #troll

i just remove notifications from this now =w=

I am talking about it. I learnt a few useful things today and this conversation has proven very helpful to me. I am glad you started this thread, it is insightful and helpful for all players. And you sure did played that Vexier guy.

You do not use capitalization in your native tongue?