A Green Star Along the Silk Road

I flew from Dodixie to Amarr and back to remember how to do it. I have no idea why I noticed a green star, but I did, and became unable to not notice it. There’s nothing remarkable about it, other than the fact I don’t believe stars normally shine green.

In Matari space, it appears “north west” of the Amarrian death head nebula. In Amarrian space, it appears a fair bit “south” of Caroline’s Nebula. I hadn’t noticed it in Dodixie when I left. However, when I got back, I saw that (as in the Amarrian case) it lies south of Caroline’s Nebula.

Permutations of “green star” searches have not proven helpful. Have we always had one roughly in the middle of our cluster? Is this a relic of the Triglavian “star eating” I’ve read about? The video sources I’ve seen seem to indicate “star eating” produces something deeply purple.

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It was keeping me up, then it occurred to me I could use the magic Sky Kingdom Lines to potentially point at the star. Augnais was the closest I could match. Green Star lies straight down from the end of the line on the attached image. Tangent: being able to attach images directly is a welcome change.

Heading from Augnais toward Caroline’s Nebula does pass very near the (now Triglavian) system of Krirald.

If all of the Triglavian systems appeared as green stars, it seems like more of them would be conspicuous. However, GalNet searches for “Krirald Green Star” prove fruitless. The system doesn’t particularly stand out as Triglavian systems go. Do all of them involve “star eating?”

Regarding the “normalness” of green stars:


So, I believe that the Republic system of Krirald was an A0 blue type star. I don’t know if whatever the occupying Triglavians are doing to the star has changed that classification.

Do all of the other previously (or currently) A0 type stars occupied by Triglavians share this trait? I don’t know anything else about Krirald that would lead to the appearance of being green.

One thing that I think is notable about Krirald is that I believe much of the already small population was evacuated. I believe one of the lowest populated systems that the Triglavians are occupying (though, I do not pretend that I have definite numbers of people left in any of the systems). Maybe the Triglavians are doing something especially strange to the star because of the low population?

Krirald is occupied by the Perun who I’d rate as ‘practical’ and doing potentially dangerous tests on the least populated system they held fits that bill. I’m obviously speculating, but… the color (or appearance of such from a distance) is interesting to say the least. Maybe it’s worth dropping by Krirald and taking a good look at the star up close…


I believe we still have a team on Skarkon (for some very loosely defined values of ‘we’, anyway), I’ll see if they can report anything.


Flying toward Augnais, the view from Doussivitte is consistent with Krirald being “green.” In this image, the dot on the star field falls beneath the mapped Augnais. It lies between the waypoints for Parchanier and Augnais, as the map indicates would be the case for Krirald.

Once in Augnais, fixing Lanngisi as destination, the dots again line up vertically, consistent with the top down map. Other stars in Ani falling closer to Krirard had large vertical displacements that made lining them up in an image problematic.

If stars are brown, red, orange, yellow, white, blue (or pulsating deep purple), then green is an illusion. Optical illusions depend on the angle of view, however, and the angle from Doussivitte is significantly different than the one from Lirsautton or Augnais.


My crews and I have been in Krirald pretty much full time since it fell. Whilst I can confirm that the star itself isn’t healthy by any stretch of the imagination, neither is it presently appearing to be green, either from inside or looking along the axis of the disrupted stargates.

One thing’s for sure though - the Perun Clade have been very active in here.


Those images are amazing. If stars aren’t supposed to be green, they most likely aren’t supposed to be that “color,” either…

Perhaps the green is an artifact of our cameras being unable to process whatever space-time distortions are happening around all that destruction.

It lined up nicely with Caroline’s Nebula (that other space-time altering celestial object), making Krirald relatively easy to track in the sky. The other Triglavian systems may also have little green dots masking them; but without a consistent reference, they are more difficult to reliably pick out.


“Artifact” is more or less what’s going on. As an additional wrinkle, vertices of Triglavian space are represented by tilted chevrons - which seem unlikely to be space-time-distortions of stars that can no longer be represented.

From Pator, looking towards Skarkon:

If CONCORD wanted to give us a visual indication in space that some stars belong to Triglavians, and that three of those are vertices, it might have been possible to make more helpful design choices than to sprinkle green stars around the sky.

That said, arrows do suggest a purposeful direction. Perhaps it is intentional; or, perhaps a tilted chevron was just the next symbol on CONCORD’s table of obscure stellar landmarks.

Edit: Skarkon looks like a vertex on the star map, but I see conflicting information on GalNet about that. If it is not a vertex, then I am at a loss.


So. you are saying someone has made the Pochcven solar systems on the cluster representation from the capsule look like little green arrows or chevrons?

What do they point towards? Or do the lines they suggest maybe converge somewhere?

Yes, that appears to be the case. The first one I focused on was Krirald, which has a convenient alignment with Caroline’s Nebula. That made it easy to find, but it looks a lot like a normal star (apart from being green).

Others are more clearly artificial. Going back to Augnais and looking toward Lirsautton (the reverse of what I had been doing with Krirald) shows:

The green diamond is almost straight up from Lirsautton (the last point on the travel line (almost straight up from the space between “pirate” and “factions”). It is easy to miss the green dots until you know they are there - at which point they seem to be everywhere. Presumably this diamond is either Konola or Otanuomi.

Although any two points do define a line, the line I was following initially is defined by Augnais and Lirsautton. The two Triglavian systems conform to that line, not just the one between themselves. The Triglavians have gone to considerable effort to give their region straight edges.

The chevron icons look like the one in the Pator picture in the previous post (the icon appears above the open map, to the right of the subtitle “solar system” - and you can see it’s relationship to the final star of the plotted route, which is Horaka).

Pator also has two of the diamond icons. Here, a planet silhouette makes the diamond particularly visible:

I am waiting in Pator a while on the chance the “chevron” icon is not intended to mark a vertex, but actually moves to the next system after some period of time. The arrows do suggest that direction matters, and which is more information that required just to mark a vertex. If Skarkon is a vertex. It looks like one to me on the star map, but I see charts that make Niarja, Archee, and Kino the vertices.

If CONCORD intended these shapes to act as “heads up display” icons, then they could have displayed more useful information (similar to HUD icons for anomolies etc.). Putting shapes on the starfield without specifying these are not actually objects in the sky is extremely irritating.

Alternatively, I suppose these icons could have been inserted into our systems by the Triglavians for “reasons,” and those “reasons” are not intended to be helpful.

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Are you sure that’s a diamond, and not a three dimensional chevron/arrow seen from front or behind?


I am fairly confident it is a three dimensional shape, and that I was looking at Krirald “point on” - making it look like a normal star. I had not thought about the possibility of looking at the “chevrons” head on, however.

It is tempting to believe the alignments of the shapes are significant, but I am hesitant to trust whoever has injected them into our camera drones.


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