Yeah, sorry, ‘2Jove’ meaning ‘Second Empire’, so as to differentiate from the Jovian Directorate (‘Jove’.)
Just to clarify, the Jove Directorate was the Third Jovian Empire. They are one and the same.
Same polity, but they weren’t signatories as the ‘Third Jove Empire’, was my point.
But the official, legal name of the Third Jove Empire is the Jove Directorate. The Third Jove Empire therefore is a signatory of CONCORD. I don’t understand why a distinction needs to be made there.
Put bluntly, the distinction needs to be made there because a certain particularly willfully dense individual who was being replied to might have used the lack of clarity and distinction to continue being particularly willfully dense.
Instead of wasting your time on arguing with someone like Arrendis, think about that: it doesn’t really matter how you call them, they’re Jove. And if Triglavians are right, that would mean the the Drifters are Jove as well.
If that is true, then Drifters deserve a seat in CONCORD as well. And for all Jove did for us, it will be honorable if we will help them to fight against Triglavians.
I appreciate your obedience to the spirit of the law, rather than the letter, but ask yourself this: What reason do we have, if any, to think the Drifters care even the slightest bit about a seat on CONCORD, even if the laws were stretched/amended to allow them to take the Directorate’s (largely abdicated) position as a CONCORD signatory?
As an aside, we’re pretty sure the Triglavians were also Jove, or other members of the Second Empire, and we’re not sure what was going on when they left New Eden, or precisely when. The Triglavians may be just as worthy of the Directorate’s CONCORD seat, and for all we know, they’d be willing to take it if given the option.
Oh, most likely they just want to slaughter us all instead of uniting with us, just because even as we speak far-from-the-best portion of capsuleers is still raiding the Sleepers for their “component materials”. And some do even worse, “farming” Drifters directly in their own homes.
I guess in order for Drifters to finally decide to talk to us, we need to eliminate our own marauders first. Of course, I am not telling about “surrendering” to them - keeping defensive war, eliminating Drifter assets in our space is essential. We must conduct a professional war. Marauders, who get into wormholes, must be executed.
Triglavians look to me as deceivers. I’ll just repeat, “Beware of Gallenteans bearing gifts”. They could have the same dangerous personality, first offering you some advances, and then will try to invade and subjugate you. If the idea behind “Tyrannos” is right, it will mean it’s they who are the legal rulers of Jove, not Triglavians. Whether Triglavians deserve CONCORD seat is debatable, but IMHO even if they’re Jove, their seat should be separate from Directorate’s seat.
I simply do not trust them and don’t recommend you to do so. Once again, I’ll remind you, that Triglavians made their message not to our proper rulers, but to us, capsuleers, going over our leaderships.
That clearly means no good.
Perhaps, since none of the Four Empires are Jove, and the Directorate is gone, the Triglavians don’t recognize any leadership in New Eden to be valid? Just a theory.
My only worry about your plans to reconcile with the Drifters, however, is the usual one: we have no reason to believe the Drifters are interested in reconciliation or diplomacy.
You want a mute corpse to sit on the Concord council? That’s what drifters are,meat puppets.They have no substance or I should say soul.
We should support the triglavians in exterminating the drifters.Triglavian ships are not as advanced as drifters should they turn on us it’ll be a more equal fight
My problem with this is that people are advocating joining one side or another in a war we don’t know the cause of, with combatants we know next to nothing about, who are fighting for reasons we have no comprehension of.
I propose we defend our regions as best we can, and respond to either side in kind based upon their actions.
… without reading either hostile or non-hostile intent into those actions.
The best offer so far!
I’ll advocate to be prepared to fight Triglavians if they invade, and to fight off marauders who “farm” Sleepers and -especially- Drifters inside their wormholes.
I still think that last bit is a stretch… but if the Triglavians, Drifters, or anyone else should come to the region I call home, and they start picking fights, they’d better be ready to rumble.
I’m actually wondering if it’s the rogue drones who should get our help in all of this. Are they willingly working with the Triglavians? I believe there is mention of them being ‘suborned’.
If these are sentient lifeforms being co-erced somehow into the Triglavians service, how different is that to Sansha suborning humans?
They’re abominations, created by Federation and shall be destroyed. Just as their creators.
And that’s really concerning. If these Triglavians don’t want to simply eliminate this menace, they can’t be trusted!
Humans are Humans. But if you want to be treated as Hobgoblin I, surely, go join one of them.
Funny you should mention that- we intercepted transmissions a week or two back that indicate the Triglavians consider the Rogue Drones, at large, to be fully sentient, and will be taking steps to “co-operate” with them, which should mark the end of the Triglavians either suborning or extirpating Rogue Drones.
The Talocan were, as far as we know, the oldest and greatest civilization in known space, surpassing even the Second Jove Empire. If they weren’t human, and I don’t think we can be certain that they were, does that make them any less intelligent, any less alive?
The Rogue Drones, by the way, probably weren’t the Gallente mistake that their propaganda claims. There’s research by an Amarr scientist that ties them back to the creations of another pre-Jove empire, I believe either the Takmahl or Yan Jung.
I do agree with the first part, that they aren’t a mistake as their propaganda claims. But I would stop there without going into area of “ancient aliens”. IMHO Rogue Drones were not a mistake, but purposefully created genocidal machines with tendencies to destruction and freedom.
That would match gallentean behavior.
Absolutely every piece of Talocan technology and evidence we’ve found frames them as 100% human, just like every other spacefaring culture we know about.