A Little Love for the Noctis

then use a cargohold on the noctis when you know you are gonna salvage structure ? I mean, this is not something that happens on random occasions.

I certainly see your point. Do you think the other bonuses are reasonable?

FYI, 75% increase of 6000 would be 10,500 KM…

on the flip side, I use 8 salvagers on the noctis and I drop MTU’s at the beginning of each room, so by the time i go back with the noctis everything is pulled in.

75% increase to salvager range per ORE Industrial skill level.

Unless you are salvaging drone missions, I see that as unecessary. If a wreck has loot, you’ll still have to tractor it in, with which you could then salvage while its sittin there and you are tractoring in more.

Which is why I use MTU’s that way i just use 8 salvagers and not have to use the tractor beam. Now, if the tractor could extend as far out as an MTU that would be great since maxed out, you only get 96km on tractor range.

Do you think some of the other bonuses mentioned make sense? I can see what you mean on the range btw.

I find the cargo hold maybe excessive. Unless you want to replace using Cargohold extenders, you get over 3k cargo space with 3 T2 extenders. running a L4 Extrav, plus picking up 6 MTU’s i still have plenty of room for all the loot/salvage

adding more cargo hold, you’re almost basically wanting to turn it into a hauler and not a salvager.

A thing I wouldl ike to see on it are 25 addiitional m³ for the drone bay. So you can take one flight of salvage drones and one of light combat drones or ECM drones with you.

Also, why a destroyer?
I use a Magnate for 3 million that does the job quite good,

The T1 scanning frigates have a 5% reduction in Salvager duration, making the 3 highslots nearly as effective as 8 on a destroyer - which are much harder to manage and keep running because you just only lock so much targets.

Salvage Magnate

Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo
Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo
Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo
Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo

Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Drone Navigation Computer I
Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery

Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I

Salvage Drone I x3

I looked at the other skills.
They are useless.

I mean, the noctis is good for salvaging already. Use T2 salvaging rigs, a signal amplifier in the lows, a 10mn in the mid to warp faster, you still have mid and lows for other things, and more important, when salvaging you basically salvage as fast as you target the wrecks.

It’s a good ship, you just need good skills and good fit.

The only issue is when the wrecks are too spread, only one (or two) mtu can bring them in, as the range of tractor is too low. SO this is why I think tractor bonus are not interesting as they are.

also, don’t use salvage drones, they are a waste. You have to not salvage their wreck for efficiency, most of the time you will do it anyhow, basically they are useless on the noctis, use jamming drones instead to not get caught by someone.

Saying that the other proposed attributes are useless is like saying the Rorqual’s mining drone bonuses are useless.

For the proposed bonuses to salvagers and salvage drones and the chance salvage retrieval it would get far more salvage than what it does now. At least 2.0x more.

So would it be bad if it had both roles? I mean, you find it the same class as other T1 Industrials but costs 50x more.

Ever since I skilled up to the Marauder class ships for level4s, my Noctises (Nocti?) have been gathering dust in my mission hub hangers. Only a few missions like Mordus Headhunters would even support the need for the skill/specialization of the Noctis, as a Marauder, MTU, and flight of salvage drones works well in full clear use even in missions like Dread Pirate or The Blockade.

A strong buff to such a specialized and defenseless ship wouldn’t be unwarranted or game breaking, otherwise the ship itself becomes rather useless. Maybe CCP will offer a buyback plan?

Not so much as you might think, yes, a Dessy can do a good job at the fraction of the cost, however a MTU+Dessy can’t out perform the Noctis by any means.

MTU has 125km range but can only pull 1 wreck at a time and is slow to loot/cycle tractor beam, whereas the Noctis has (only) 96km range (max) but can pull upto 8 wrecks (depending on fit) at a time.

I think this is overkill… with max skills you can already get 60% retrieval chance. You could possibly argue for increasing the Salvage drones access difficulty bonus. Think you can get a max of 35% on the drones (7% per Salvage Drone skill level).

I’m against this as it will defeat the purpose of the Noctis’ role.

Will be a nice addition, it’s cargo hold is already heavily limited (think it’s around 3k m³)

Moved to the Player Features & Ideas section

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Wrong. The Notics has a maximum of 96km tractor beam range and 94km targeting range.

Thanks for clarifying, been a while since I’ve been out in my Noctis :smile:

Do you think 10% instead of 20% would be more reasonable? The retrieval chance is accross the board based on your salvaging skill and rigs. To me, the noctis should have a higher retrieval chance than any of the other ships.

How about let the Noctis fit micro jump drives and give it a role bonus toward MJD cooldown? Gives ship the ability to zip around and reach wrecks out of tractor range.

With two mid slots players would be trading tank for mobility.


Honestly I don’t think it need any bonus to Salvager access difficulty, as it’s the bonus to it’s tractor beams that make it a great salvager. If it should have an additional bonus it would probably be:

+5% Bonus to Salvage Drone Access Difficulty per skill level

Such a bonus would make them equal to a Salvage module, maybe this is even too much :thinking:

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I’m saying, the noctis is very good as it is.
You can fit it for tracting, but that’s a waste considering you can use a MTU for the same effect. You can fit it for looting, the mtus, but it’s a waste as an indus would do better.

Basically it is good at salvaging a field of wrecks. And it does it better than a destroyer.

  • it can easily fit 8 salvagers and cap them.
  • it has more targets than a destroyer so it can salvage 8 wrecks at once, AND target the next wrecks

Of course the destroyer has some advantages

  • cheaper
  • faster to warp/align, thus can escape ganks more easily
  • target faster

So if yo only want to salvage a few wrecks(<10) dessy is better than noctis.

When people run sites, they typically drop a mobile tractor unit and run the next site. After they are done running the next site, the prior site already has all the wrecks pulled in. Which to me, makes the Noctis tractor beam bonuses useless.

A large bonus to salvage drones would be fitting as the other ORE industrial ships give bonuses to mining drones.