Salvage Upgrades/Changes

I personally love Salvaging/Scanning and by definition in game they run under similar paths. So why not make them reflect as such?

Change Wreck Times to 3 hours decay, 2 hour auto Abandon.

Scan Sites:
Change what Wormholes are flagged as, it is a pain that you scan 15 sites and 14 are wormholes.

Rogue Salvage Sites (Cosmic Signature → Drone Beacon → Site Type)
A Beacon that Rogue Drone use to mark wreck sites for later use or their salvage yards.

These sites are just drone clean up sites with Wrecks
<Small/Medium/Large> Battlefield - Small/Medium/Large Wrecks Scattered in a 50km/100km range. No Threat. Drones may warp in but not aggressive.
<Small/Medium/Large) Junkyard - Small/Medium/Large Wrecks Scattered in 50km Range. Rogue Drones Threat (Possible T2 Wreck from Rogue Drone)
<Large/Massive> Deconstruction Site - Medium/Large Wrecks within 30km Range. Large Rogue Drone Threat. Rogue Drone structure with Salvage and possibility of T2 Salvage. (Can Lead to Escalation of a Drone Construction Site)
Drone Construction Facility - Small/Medium Wrecks within 20km Range. Large Rogue Drone Threat. Destroyable Building with Salvage

Add Salvage Probes:
These Probes can be fitted into Expanded Probe Launchers or Salvage Probe Launchers.
Base Strength 30. Salvage Probe Launchers give a 2x bonus to Salvage Probes Only.
Probes Scan down Wrecks left by NPCs or Players. Can be ONLY scan “Abandoned Wrecks” or “Player” only. It can not scanned flagged wrecks, this is to help balance and prevent a cheaper way to scan players down.

Salvage Probe Launchers - High CPU Usage like Cloaking unless on designated ship (Salvage Ships).


Add a Medium Slot or High Slot that Changes DSCAN that when you scan wrecks down to 5% it will than allow you to warp to them or within 100km to them. (Does NOT allow warping to players, only abandoned/non flagged wrecks/player wrecks) This is and should not be used as a way to Dscan players, I just cant think of ways to prevent that off hand

New Ships (ORE)

Frigate Salvage Ship (Normal)
-Venture Design
-Ore Hauler Skill

-Frigate Size
-3 High
-4 Medium
-3 Low

Ore Hauler Bonus (per skill level):
5% Reduction in Salvager duration (25% max)
10% Salvager Range (7.5k for T1, 9k for T2)
30% Tractor Beam Range and Velocity

Role Bonus:
5% Bonus to Salvage Difficulty

Drone Capacity/Drone Bandwidth - 15m3 Salvage Drones

Frigate Salvage Ship (Covert)
-Venture Design
-Ore Hauler Skill / Covert Ops Skill

-Frigate Size
-3 High
-4 Medium
-3 Low

Ore Hauler Bonus (Per Skill level):
5% reduction in Salvager Duration
5% Reduction to Core and Combat Scanner Probe Deviation

Covert Ops Bonus (Per skill level):
20% Reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement
10% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe Strength
1% Reduction to Probe Scan Speed

Role Bonus:
2+ Bonus to ship warp core strength
No Targeting Delay of Wrecks After Cloaking Device Deactivation
-Can Fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device

No Drones

Destroyer Size Salvage Ship
-Smaller than Noctis(Allows in more Warp Gates)
-Dedicated Salvage Skills
-Design Unknown
-Ore Hauler Skill

-8 High
-4 Medium
-3 Low

Ore Hauler Bonus (Per Skill Level):
5% Reduction to Salvager Duration
30% Tractor Beam Range and Velocity
5% Tractor Beam Duration

Role Bonus:
37.5% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe Strength

Capable of Carrying and using 25m3 Drone Bit

Also Noctis Upgrade:
Ore Hauler Bonus:
Salvage Drone Range Increase by 50% (100km)
Salvage Range Increase 100% (12km max)

–Everyone says “Use a destroyer”, this ship is designed to have tractor bonuses to allow easier and faster pulling of wrecks to the player. It’s made to allow a more efficient salvager that can go into those spaces Noctis can’t. Also would allow more agile salvagers to travel since Noctis are slow (BUT do carry alot of space)

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Honestly, the Noctis sucks on so many levels. Slow align time, slow speed - and it can’t really tank much to defend itself without sacrificing making it a good salvaging platform.

i don’t use my noctis to tractor anymore… sadly i use MTU’s and just pack 8 salvagers… and within one cycle, the wreck is salvaged.

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What do you propose ? I agree that adding new ships when existing one could be improved is a bad idea.

IIRC I already proposed, somewhere, to give it a correct drone salvage bonus, remove it salvager bonus, so that the highs are used for tractor.
Also something along more tractor range and speed.

Well… I’m going off memory, but I made some suggestions in another thread.

• Increase the warp speed to 4.5 AU/s
• Increase the number of locked targets to 12
• Double the inertia
• Add a 5,000m3 fleet hangar
• Add +2 mid slots

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You mean, halve the inertia multiplier ? So it takes half the time to align ?

Yes, half the time to align, accelerate, etc.


What do you think would be the overall purpose of the Noctis?

It is suppose to be a Salvage Platform to clean a field. I don’t think making it a Fleet Hangar will be in line with that. Also the Inertia would be in line why I recommend smaller ones, to allow more warp gate access and worm holes. Also to allow you to send sneakier ships in to do it for homefronts or possible the scan sites.

I do think it does need a Tractor Range and Speed Bonus… maybe push it so max range of tractor at Skill 5 of Ore Hauler becomes 150km? Right now it is 96km. Overall I think it should be faster than a MTU.

The target of 12 wouldnt be terrible ether.

Why the +2 Mid Slots though?

You could give it more cargo space - I just figured a fleet hangar was handier for sorting salvage. With Faction tractor beams it stretches out to around 130km or so, so I think the range is fine.

The mid slots are so it can actually run a decent tank.

How would this work?

How many people do abandon their wrecks after they’ve created them to help other players?

I think most players don’t bother, I know I don’t.

If people want to help friendly salvagers there are much better alternatives, such as providing a warp-in in fleet, telling them which site you’re fighting in or leaving a bookmark.

And if salvagers want to salvage sites that aren’t left by friendly players they’re cooperating with, they’re better more reliable alternatives too, such as bookmarking sites that people are running (you can tell which site they’re in with dscan), or combat probing their site and going there once the combat ship is gone to salvage and loot the site.

Or just make your own wrecks.

Creating an entirely new module that is useless in most cases ‘unless players abandon their wrecks’ seems ineffective to me.

I get that this is annoying if you’re scanning inside wormholes.

But it’s also a big advantage for wormhole players that wormholes are indistinguishable from other sites until scanned:

In other parts of space you also won’t know if a newly spawned site is a wormhole or relic site, which gives wormholers the opportunity to strike at unsuspecting players who have not been alerted by their intel about a new wormhole popping up two systems away.

Once the game and the agency know the difference between wormholes and other sites without scanning I bet people will build or already use tools that automatically alert them any time a wormhole pops up.

I don’t think that’s a good idea.

I like the idea of a new dedicated salvage frigate, but I don’t think we immediately need 3 extra salvaging ships when the Noctis already is a rare sight.

What are the different roles of these ships going to be? Aren’t they mostly all going to do the same thing?

I don’t think this is a buff the Noctis needs, in my experience flying the Noctis the salvager range has never been an issue. After all, if a wreck is outside of your range you have tractor beams to pull them closer. Or a MTU.

Tractor beam range on the other hand is often an issue, and is smaller than that of MTUs.

If you ask me, boost the Noctis’ tractor beam range instead.

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In what kind of situations do you use a Noctis that it has to tank or defend itself?

The main place where I use the Noctis is in combat sites after combat when all the NPCs are turned into wrecks. There’s nothing to tank?

The threat is from non-allied players, but they usually can’t warp to your despawned site so they won’t be a threat unless you see combat probes out in which case your warp drive is your best defence.

I’ve been trying the Noctis for some months now to see if the ship’s as useless as I thought it was.

Turns out it’s really useful. I too sometimes use an 8 salvager configuration with MTU, but other times when I have less time to wait out the MTU pull a 4 tractor beam 4 salvager fit easily pulls and salvages an entire site in no time.

It’s really useful if you’re in a hurry, as MTU pull speed is slow.

The only downside is that the tractor beam range of a Noctis is lacking even with good skills and cannot pull all wrecks in a site in my experience, unlike a MTU.


Well, I had one ganked last week… Would’ve probably survived in a buffer fit with a few more slots.

Your ship was anti-tanked though. Your fit had half as much EHP as my Noctis and I’m not even fit for tank.

You could quadruple your EHP just by choosing to fit differently.

Not that I mind how you fit your ship, but if you wish to have more EHP for your use-case there are options.

Yep, I’m not overly torn up over the loss (I ended up creating a better salvager out of the ashes).

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Or unless they probed your MTU beforehand.

Just drop two MTUs side by side ^^ Or even 3.
Triglavian MTU ! Assemble !

Um. They would be passing wrecks back and forth.

Which is another advantage of using a tractor beam Noctis: there’s no MTU to give away your wreck locations!

I think they would start pulling the same wreck fruitlessly. :frowning:

yeah but since you are on the site you can salvage them faster than they pull them.
The hardest part is putting them exactly 5km from each other, so you can sit in the middle and still be at range for the salvagers ^^

Actually even the drones could salvage faster than they bring corpses.

Of course, it’s better to have the MTUs placed as soon as you kill the rats so they have longer to work. Nothing beats the crap of warping to a MTU and having to wait with your tractors out of range of the wrecks. Especially vs guristas cause they are too spread.

Yea, but if you put the MTU down as soon as you start the site everyone who enters your system will know which site you’re in (and has a free kill) even if you warp to tether.

Well, that’s your fault for not choosing a system with nobody entering it in the first place !


They still need to dscan/probe it.

The good thing with marauders is that they don’t stick in the same place for long.
It’s more annoying when you are welcomed with your noctis on a ship with T3C though.