As mentioned, a destoyer and MTU can work fine for lower level missions, while nothing beats a Marauder for full clear in level 4s. A suppose they are usefull for when you first start out doing level 4 mission and are forced to use a BS, but you realatively quickly outgrow it and upship to a Marauder. At levl4s, your Noctis is neither time efficient or durable, rather it is merely a slow moving gank target filled to the brim with goodies.
It desperately needs some serious rework to qualify for cost and use in game.
Yes, that is one of the common uses of the MTUs but if you boil it down to just time-efficiency the Noctis will win hands down in just about every case.
I usually run the Noctis with a 4/4 + sebo for faster locking, on a field with about 70 wrecks (0-100km spread) it only takes me around 10min to loot and salvage everything.
A MTU would take about 2 min to pull in a single wreck at 120km range, I’d think it takes around 20-25min for the MTU to pull in a similar field.
For the first pocket, with the split gates, if you place the MTU correctly, you can actually tractor in the whole field from Serpentis and Gurista, while you are moving on to the individual rooms dropping a few more MTU’s each time, then go back with the noctis and vacuum everything up…
protip ! place your mtus 150+km away. They won’t fight for wrecks and will actually loot twice as fast.
You need a mjd+MWD for that, though.
Aggro one group, place mtu behind the gate, align toward the other group with mwd on, mjd, keep going untill 155 km from MTU, drop 2nd mtu, blap everything, next gate . And don’t forget to BM one MTU.
Thanks, I don’t drop neon signs or cyno beacons at my wrecks whenever I make them to collect later.
The Noctis is a ship that can move around. Why not move around and collect wrecks with hypersonic speed tractor beams while moving into position to warp to the next field.
Here is a protip from a solo pvper: Sitting still = bad, very bad. In fact, very, very, very bad!! Do not sit still ever but move around because moving targets are more difficult to hit than sitting still victi- erm targets.
No, it’s 5 to 3 because 5 is 10/2 which is the maximum amount of target locks you can have on the Noctis without any modules and 3 salvagers is enough anyways - they are very hungry.
I’m sorry for the misunderstanding there. It was meant to come across as they all obtain the same amount of salvage except the Noctis does it faster. For its price and it’s purpose, it should be able to obtain twice as much salvage to make it worth its investment. I think that would make it more formidable to use.
Starting from this premise; which is blatantly false, weakens your argument. That is, unless you are horrible at being a noctis pilot, in which case the problem is you and not the noctis.