While I am not advocating returning the Rorqual to its glory days of being able to solo mine as if it were a fleet of exhumers or boosting the entire system from the safety of a POS (although this would be welcomed back), it would be nice to see the Rorqual get some love. I am proposing something as simple as allowing the Rorqual to use the regional isotopes from which it is operating for jumping or conduiting mining fleets around. It would make sense that a society advanced enough to make such a ship would be capable of making it able to use fuel resources from around the universe, not just a specific region.
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I think it’s a nice little change to allow the Rorqual to use any type of fuel, so the miner can easily get their own fuel.
While for the faction-based ships it makes sense to have the fuel drive require isotopes present only in that faction’s part of space, which stimulates trade, transport and specialization, I think it’s nice if Rorquals as ORE ship were capable of using any.
I agree, it would.