On this we can agree. The merit of an individual is established by their achievements not by their claims.
I feel our the understanding of Egalitarianism is divergent but I have little interest in the particulars of why. The statement of your position is sufficient, it is your stance and it is respected, at least by myself.
I have not given the Sedevacantist church any thought, other than I personally would have no objection to the establishment of such a sect within the Federation so long as they are open and transparent about their activities and aims. I suspect those of Amarrian descent would be keen to observe them.
I speak for my Order alone, which is structured under Adakul Monastic tradition yet acknowledges Ida philosophy as a possible explanation for the spontaneous self-actualisation of clones.
It is my belief that the Federation is fractured glass of many hue. Beware the temperature as we align our focus on the truth.