Never before Eve Online have I ever found a gaming community that had members who „loved“ the game so much that they wanted to get rid of its pesky foundational core mechanics and carefully peel away a thin layer of skin and wrap it around something completely different.
Imagine if people just continually showed up to No Mans Sky, Elite Dangerous, Outer Wilds, Armored Core 6, and told their communities „yknow this game is great but it really needs to ditch the PvE and exploration and become only a PvP spaceship battle arena then I’d pay money“ which is just stupid behavior. I don’t understand why people feel entitled to thinking this is reasonable behavior here.
Man I have so much to learn about EVE, but I already mentioned -if it stays as a single Omega II players wouldn’t be able to mine or loot player’s wrecks only PvEs - now If we get our own shard then mining would be available and yes I do enjoy Captain Benzie’s videos as well, they are very helpful -thank you for the feedback on this
Let’s take a closer look at the EvE economy shall we.
Miners mine. They sell their minerals to industrialist that use it to build ships and mods.
Pilots by those ships and mods.
Now let’s look at two situations.
A: No ship is ever destroyed. That means there would be a glut of available ships on the market, a glut of minerals. The prices would tank and no one would make a profit. We have economic stagnation, or at the worst, collapse.
B: someone blows up your ship. Now you have motivation to buy another one. A ship is sold, minerals are consumed, and everyone is happy (except you, because you went kablooy) because they can keep mining and manufacturing and selling their products. The economy keeps turning and stays healthy.
It’s simple economics. Most 3rd graders know this.
Sorry to jump in late and semi-necro this, but that is a terrible analogy and pretty wrong.
I played Ultima Online before they had Trammel. Felucca used to be a thriving place and the game used to have a stable economy.
As soon as Trammel was introduced and people could play without any risk other than NPCs, then the price of houses went through the roof, along with every other product. Well out of the range of anyone who wasn’t already rich.
Go onto one of the official servers now and look at the price of…well… anything. Many things are in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of gp. And that’s on a nearly dead game that’s been going longer than Eve, because there has been rampant inflation due to not enough money sinks. Even when you die, you can have everything insured and bound to you so you never lose it.
Not only that, Felucca got seriously unbalanced in the amount of PKers to non-PKers. You used to be able to go to a dungeon in Fel and you might occasionally see a red name, but they had a harder time staying alive pre-Trammel because there were just so many people out numbering them. Once everyone had a completely safe place to be except guild wars, then you couldn’t really do any sort of PvE content in Fel at all. It became a wasteland.
I suggest the OP pay real close attention to some of the presentations at Fanfest. Especially any data presentations and any talking about conflict, and note what the Reign of the Rorqual era did.
Sir, I am truly impressed ok, points taken thank you. But as I’ve already mentioned Omega II players wouldn’t be able to mine or loot (except NPC wreckage)
Imagine mining in low and null and being unable to be targeted. How absolutely boring that would be and there’s a lot of trolling that could be done with this. Entire carebear mining fleets sucking up all the ore in null while being completely safe.