A serious issue ive encountered in the mining belts!

One reason is that nobody wants to get infected with your Frostpacker Wordsalad.

The main reason though , the Frostpackers are unable to work out, as they haven’t evolved past the stone age

Maybe not even past an F1 monkey?

:thinking: :innocent: :popcorn:

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I hear that Frostpackers tried to become F1 monkeys, but somebody forgot to tell them where the F1 key was…


Mine is located right next to my self-destruct button.

Oh you mean the escape key?

Doesn’t work anymore. Now It just opens your wallet and sends me 1 billion ISK.

Well, I’m not pushing that button now!

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Attached to their scam.

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No scams here!

Only donations and mining permits!

I think I now understand how the HOA came to be.

I keep getting ganked over weeds in my lawn and not putting my trash can away.

Griefers… just a part of life.

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For lack of a better way to put it, it’s gentrification. Some want things a certain way and expect everyone to fall in line…that is, until the same is expected from them. cough cough Dryson…

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I can’t believe I’ve never encountered a nasty PvP corp named “Lonetrek Homeowners Association”.

How did I miss this. It’s the perfect cover for piracy and tyranny,

Every crime would seem justified.

Cleary you didn’t buy a Mining Permit.

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Mining permits promote community!

The rule of law is what separates us from animals and those less than animals aka permit-less miners.

When I have time I’ll have to meet this home owners association they sound like pillars of the intergalactic community.


I am an animal though. Wild and untamed.

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F1 monkeys at least need a decent structure to get excited about…



Do they get excited watching paint dry aswell?


I’d argue that gankers in a gank fleet are every bit as much F1 monkeys…so its always a little amusing to see gankers decrying F1 monkeys :slight_smile:

Indeed. I’ve been thinking about that same thing. You know those suicide gankers are smashing their F1 key like monkeys bashing a keyboard. They have only seconds before Concord arrives and ends their fight so they have to make every second count.

On the flip side, strip miners can’t be grouped. If I were to only hit F1, my Skiff would be mining at 50% and it’s slow enough as it is! F1 is only beneficial to the Suicide Cult. Doesn’t really do anything for a miner.

If you’re one person in a fleet of others, you only need to pre-heat and pre-engage the blasters. Two clicks; Shift-F1, F1. Once locked, the guns fire automatically.

Of course, if you’re a one-man-gank-fleet, that’s multiplied. I use F2 because on my laptop, the F1 key is really close to the ESC key. Or I’m just clumsy. Yes, that would be it…

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