A significant update to Industry

This change is a good thing. Industry was too simple and too easy. Now players will have real fun gathering all the components to fabricate what they need and construct all kinds of ships.
Finally, CCP moving the right direction and EVE will benefit from happier players.

CSM, CCP Devs, CCP balance team, CCP Eco team and for damn sure @CCP_Rattati you are ruining the game!

Now I am going to tell you why I am not happy with you all.

  1. You nerfed moons but removed no risk.
  2. You nerfed asteroid belts but did not remove any risk or even npc miners!
  3. You killed group mining fleets because of reduced ore volumes.
  4. You made high sec the sole the supplier of Tritanium. Then put Tri into null sec and low sec. You also reduced the volume of Tri for all ship building. See how you screwed over high sec?
  5. You guys have added reaction to ALL freighters and Orcas! While not reducing any of the component counts to build them. NO REACTIONS can done in high sec.

I am seeing CCP and CCP dev like a domestic abusive spouse. They nerf/beat you but keep telling you it will get better to only nerf/beat you again.

If I wanted to play in null sec or low sec I would have done it years ago, If you don’t want miners, indy or market players in the game, JUST TELL US! I hope this hurt your bottom line and you see how bad you are making the game for anyone not Pvp or PKers!


You don’t have to play in null or low sec.

You can restrict yourself to playing in one region of the game, but you may have to interact with players from other regions on the market in that case, to obtain inputs for your industry.

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The way I understood the changes:

  • T1 up to BC got easier and cheaper (WIN);
  • Alphas got cut of fabricating BS? (Not sure prob WIN, so omega small guy can jump in);
  • Other stuff got harder (ofc indies are gonna be mad, it’s a lose for them, but makes game more complex);

So if I did not got point 2 wrong, we talking about point 3 right:

  • Faction: doing missions for ships got better, expecting a nerf here…
  • T2 and T3: that was already beyond Alpha reach, so indies got more PI to do;

Now following up, if I did not screw these up, everything is orbiting around the new PI stuff to do.

  • It’s aiming to be humanly impossible to do alone;
  • It may be aiming to diminish the printing speed (not sure how this is going to work, depends of the PI limitations);

Possible targets:

  • Alphas: stfu and be happy;
  • Casual indies: don’t go BS and be happy?
  • Null blob: directors already working on the clock prob, no biggie;
  • Independent indy: totally screwed, I don’t want to be you brah!
  • Low sec corp: I’m gonna go with lol here, gl!

Did I miss something?

I mean, insults won’t make you less wrong that industry and business are two different things, but do you boo.

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Yes. No one force you to do end product. With this changes there is multiple new opportunities. Focus on one chain that leads to end product. There is no need to do everything, from start to end yourself. This change incentive trade and cooperation.

Hey I was good with that when I had to buy TWO minerals, not when I have to buy everything but TWO minerals.

It is not me restricting my game play, it is CCP restricting/killing my game play.

Maybe it’s not CCPs intention to restrict or kill your gameplay, but is it their intention to encourage more trade and hauling between regions with region-specific materials. And if as a side effect your self-imposed restrictions kill your gameplay, so be it.

I had tons of trading before the moon mining got added and did not have Bloodraider FoBs or Trigs or NPC miners. It is not me imposing my will, it is CCP trashing mining, manufacturing and market game since then. I understand CCP and players don’t care about miners or manufacturer or market players. You all will care when less targets are in space, when ships are more expensive, when CCP loses money and players like me leave.

Show me one other play style that could be nerfed into the ground for 1 1/2 years + what is coming and still be enjoyable or rewarding for the risk?


I always smell nerfs when CCP post the word changes.lol😁


Kinda shot themselves in the foot to get more people to use marauders only to push the price of them even higher.

The battleship prices have increases substantially already because of the redistribution of trit only to HS space. This will only push BS ships out of reach of new players and smaller groups of players.

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When these change will occur ?
there is something more precise than “April” ?

Frankly, it’s amazing they’re more specific than ‘this century’.


No I’m not. It’s perfectly fair that things be negative if you do them “wrong”, however, the whole reasoning CCP gave for these changes were to make it more accessible for newbies - except the stuff they “simplified” is not the stuff they’d do, and hasn’t been made profitable either.
tldr, they’ve made it more difficult for new industrialists, and helped bigger groups. gg.


You’ve been playing for just over a year, on this character at least.

You’ve only known this progression from plenty to scarcity to what ever comes next.

But hey, if you’re going then don’t become someone who quits eve but continues to post on reddit and forums.

Regarding the xxx FTL-Interlink Communicator blueprints.

Those are Advanced Capital Components blueprints so they should get the bonus from the Standup M-Set Thukker Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency rig.

But testing on Sisi (view in Industry) the bonus is not applied. Overseen? SoonTM? Not yet on Sisi?


Industry is not profitable.
What gives you profit is not industry, it’s the market.

This is just a nonsense to expect profitability for all on a competitive market.

Whatever CCP does won’t make industry profitable. It is not profitable by definition, because it does not generate ISK.

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Opportunity Cost - What, in your area of Eve, can you do that makes the most ISK for your time? If you’re not doing that then what ever you are doing costs the difference.

Now, if you are doing what you want because it is more fun than the other thing, then go have fun and do what you enjoy. All costs are subjective, and if being happy doing what you are doing is the most important thing, then by all means do that thing and ignore the ISK.


Prices gonna be rising that’s for certain, seems to me CCP wants players to only fly sub-caps BC’s and lower. Never thought I’d see null players being priced out of the market, those big groups have that ■■■■ sorted. But the curveball has been thrown by CCP and people are going to struggle. 200,000,000,000. + for a Titan damn. That’s gotta hurt especially in the middle of the war. New players are seriously going to struggle, getting into a battleship will actually mean something once again. Still pissed at CCP for making changes, the rage is strong with this one. Xd

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I forgot about the WH corps. BS rollers are a must for them and now the hull just to get something to roll a hole … yea, that hurts them badly.