I hear what you’re saying. I periodically check in to see if EVE is getting any better but it seems to be determined to wreck itself on a regular basis. I was giving some thought to resubbing to just casually mine but it looks like that’s trashed too. The “space invader” addition is not a favorite of mine either. They keep talking like thy have a direction they want to go but end up with one train wreck after another(that’s been true for years tbh). Punching industry in the junk is just stupid.
Every year CCP tries harder than the previous year to put the player base on railroad tracks to null pvp. Disappointing at best.
Hey buddy? Maybe you should try DUST? That was great right? Oh ? They cancelled that? Well maybe try Valkery?? Ehh what? They cancelled that too? Hmmmm maybe hang around in Captains quarters and think about it?? What that is gone too? But they don’t time to expand Level 4 missions because they keep doing these other creative adventures? I will admit I am firing cheap shots here! But again they keep fixing and creating content that is not broken.
Well if the stop trying to move many into areas they don’t want to go to, high seccer’s to null/low, null to high and low, and then feed everyone else to the low seccers.
People like their homes they make in wherever they make it, if they don’t want people printing out isk 24/7 but that’s what people want what do you cock a doodle do?
No matter the price of freighters, if nothing of that value is dropped on death this update will change nothing about the profitability of freighter ganks.
Sure, it will make your ganking killmails look bigger, but an empty freighter will drop 0 ISK in loot.
from one side - very interesting, but from another - sde - YOU KILL a small corporation. as always blame the game. Small corp will not be able to build carrier or supers.
but this is not the limit
there is a catastrophic lack of ice. increase the frequency of its occurrence. don’t kill small corporations
It’s not going to kill a small corporation’s ability to make a carrier, supers are a possibility, but imo small corps should not be building supers. Requiring more assets to build a ship isn’t going to somehow ruin your ability to attain what you need to build it. You do not need to mine out every part, you mine or farm whatever is most efficient for you to collect, then trade for what you are missing with the excess amounts, either directly or indirectly.
u talkin about life is feudal? sounds also abit like star wars galaxies but the magical abillities sound more like albion? swg and lif both had really awesome crafting systems
in swg each little bit of % did matter and each type of ressource and components could change the outcome of ur weapon/armor/starships etc, and also every item u crafted would wear ur name in the item info, u could become really famous in swg without doing pvp or even using a weapon
lif was almost the same but with even better and more fun gathering and even terraforming (making ur own mines of moria was so crazy fun)… back in the day when the game was still live me and my guild (around 200active people) did build a giant castle on a mountain with a big city and some villages around it, created our own economy and connected everything with a giant roadsystem other guilds did join us on… its so sad that they did shutdown this awesome game