A significant update to Industry

The first phase went live with the patch today - check out the patch notes here - https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-19-03#Industry

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Will you inform us before second phase patch goes live or will it be out of nowhere like this one?


We will try and be more up front with the second phase of the industry changes.


There are several really good changes in this patch. The anti aliasing thing, everything listed under user interface. For some reason symmetry was adjusted on ships that are not imicus/helios. That one bit is confusing. As for the introduction of all those bpsā€¦ you know exactly how big of a mistake I think that is if you read this thread.

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I wanna ask only one thing. You remove asteroid belts from null-sec. So now we have systems without belts. How can we upgrade military and industry indexes? We have no npc and asteroids in the system. So we can mine the moon for industry, but how to upgrade military index?



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Still no ice in our constellation, only 2 in the last 12 weeks. This change clearly consumes MORE ice products via fuel blocks. we still have to fuel stations. its time to give ice systems their ice back and not pile it up in multiple belts in remote systems that are owned by others . Random placement would not keep consistently putting ice in the same contested systems over and over again. Give us our ICE back. please

Personally, Iā€™d be happy if CCP would just learn the dictum ā€œIf it isnā€™t broke, donā€™t fix itā€, and stop changing stuff around Because They Can. Your mileage may vary, not valid where taxed or prohibited.


The point is that it was broke

Clearly you need to raid those systems for their Ice.

This update creates a unbalanced player field and creates a system of haves and have nots. I watched a video on youtube where it now takes one guy with 10 accounts, that have 10 industrial slots available on each account, 1.6 years to build 1 cap core. Thats 1.6 years of reward-less game play. Back when EVE was fun to play I built my first cap ship and I think I only had 1.6 years invested in EVE all together. It took me about 4 months to mine all the mats needed to build a carrier. Iā€™m one of the little guys in EVE that this team of DEVS ( Rattati) have ā– ā– ā– ā–  on the most. Everything about EVE that made me play 10+ hours a day everyday has been taken away from me or put so far out of reach that the time and risk it would take far outweigh the reward. This team of DEVS and the CSM have created a system of haves and have nots. If you want to roll with the big alliances, you can have everything in the game and if you are a small guy that lives in high sec like me, the DEVS and the CSM think I should only get to build and play with ships battle cruiser or smaller. I no longer play EVE or pay cash for 6 game accounts, thats what Rattati and the CSM have done for EVE. I wont even log in to fill out the DEVS fake attempt at wanting to hear what the customers think. The survey is a bunch of ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  by this team of Pearl Abyss DEVS to deceive the customer and pretend to actually care about what the customers think. If this team of DEVS actually cared about what the customers think they would stop having the MODS delete all of the customer complaints posted on the forums. I donā€™t trust any of these DEVS because they will lie right to your face, Rattati proves that every time he opens his mouth. The results of the players survey should be made public and done by a 3rd party contractor outside of the control and manipulation of Pearl Abyss and dishonest DEVS like Rattati. Why should I invest a thousand pluss dollars a year on a game only to be lied to and ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  over by guys like Rattati. This is for you DEVS that donā€™t agree with Rattatis communist manifesto and destruction of the, once free, player ran market. if you want me to invest my hard earned cash into your livelihood, your kids, you best get Rattati on a leash before he puts you and your family in the unemployment line. Right now you wont get one cent from me until you put the REIGN of Rattati to an end.

This is my customer survey for EVE. I want it made public how I think and feel. If you want me to reinvest a thousand dollars or more a year on, Pearl Abyssā€™s EVE, you will have to fire Rattati, roll back the updates for ore scarcity, ore redistribution, and industry change. As of right now your Director of Production is driving away your cash cows, your long time loyal customers, and Rattati publicly told your customers to stop using your product. Pearl Abyss answer this question, who is more valuable to you? The customer that gave EVE years of their time, hard earned cash, and loyalty or a Director of Production that tells your loyal customers to stop investing in EVE and quit? Choose wisely where you place your support Pearl Abyss because I am going to choose wisely which game I will spend my money and time on. Right now your customers, like me, have taken your Director of Production Rattatiā€™s advise and stopped spending my time and money on EVE.


Iā€™ve taken a few weeks to think about the impacts of this update before talking and I feel it is overwhelmingly negative (at least for solo and small corps). Some of us enjoy the experience of playing EVE solo or in small corporations and with the introduction of structure cores and now this massive industry update, it will render small corporations impossible to sustain (They already had a hard enough time existing in the face of larger corporations and groups that like to dunk and plunder - not that the later is a complaint, rather acknowledgement of a feature). I built my carrier alone over a few months, and yes it couldā€™ve taken a larger corp or a group far faster, it felt very rewarding. So what do smaller corps do now? Give up the idea of having structures and locating industry in NPC structures? Retreat into a wormhole? Maybe, but thereā€™s no asset safety there and the logistics leave it a nightmare, I feel like smaller corps have been bullied out of stations (by CCP, the in game player component of ā€œbullyingā€ is a feature and I do not challenge that feature, it is there for a reason). So we need to resort to slipping into our little pocket of the great machine and build tiny components or spend our time in the abyss, or exploring. Thereā€™s no avenue for a small corp to be able to build a dreadnought or two for safety/defense etc. Iā€™m not salty, but this change has completely destroyed the plans my corp has been working towards for a full year. It just feels like the way weā€™ve skilled and the path we built towards has been pulled away in not just a minor way that we can adapt to, but in a way that wastes years of combined time when weā€™ve pooled our skills and resources together as a unit.


So basically:

ā€œThese changes are bad because they negatively impact my asocial playstyle.ā€?

Okay bro. Thereā€™s certain things you canā€™t do as a solo/small corp, and now there will be a few more things you canā€™t do solo/small corp. And this is fine. Player interaction fosters retention so overall this is a net gain for the game even if you dislike it and quit.

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I framed my response as such, I didnā€™t frame it for any other group in EVE outside of small corps/solo players. As my conjecture in that respect would be useless, I also took two weeks to think about it and process it internally, my opinion is not kneejerk. Please tell me, how it is good for retention for players who have spent the last year or at least several months working towards something that is suddenly completely out of reach? Can you at least not agree that having skilled towards something that is now a waste of time, is not annoying? My analysis is not dripping with sadness and emotion, I am speaking calmly and unemotively about it.


I already explained why itā€™s good for retention. Player interaction fosters retention. Making it so that players must interact with each other in larger groups to do an increasing set of activities means more interaction and thus more retention.

Learn how to get along with others.

Iā€™m also not threatening to quit, ultimately this will probably mean I stop playing every day and return to another game and check in on EVE every few days for PI or something, but I wonā€™t quit. We have just suffered a huge blow to SP, via these changes and the nature of SP makes this blow really feel personal (even though it obviously is not).


I never said you were threatening to quit. But solo/small corp people (I get the impression of like, a 5-10 man group with an Athanor and a Raitaru in HiSec - anchored by a ā€œholding corpā€ - who mostly donā€™t even talk to each other and definitely donā€™t use voice chat) leaving the game because of these changes isnā€™t a real loss, especially if the changes promote more group activity/cohesion which will ultimately increase overall player retention.

You can still log in and do your derpy small group stuff and talk to each other once every 2 hours, you just wonā€™t be building carriers and that is probably perfectly okay.


Yeah, the carriers themselves are no real loss, but the SP is, thatā€™s the biggest downside of these massive changes is that time and SP have effectively been wasted and there is a sense of being robbed, if SP spent in the last 6 months to a year could be reassigned whenever a massive change happens, there would be nothing really for me to lament as I could switch into a completely different role, as such weā€™re just kind of figuring out what the hell just happened to our plans. It takes a very very long time to do anything effectively and efficiently in EVE as a result of SP. :grimacing: :thought_balloon:


You mean Capital Construction III?

You could always extract it and sell it. Would probably make about the same ISK as selling a carrier if not more depending on how much you extract.

Hi Garlock, a very interesting and thoughtful post. I assume you are living in low or null sec to be building capitals for defence. As such, I must also assume that you have some form of logistics setup to extract products from where you live to markets for sale, and return with things you cannot produce yourself?

Surely this can be used to purchase the additional materials required to continue your build programmes? If not, and you have been thus far entirely self-reliant, then I must commend your choice of backwater, as living in such space without a larger group coming around and giving you a kicking for fun is hardly commonā€¦

I also feel you are looking only on the downside - as a small group in null, Iā€™ve been considering various options for us to profit from these changes - we are expanding operations in a number of areas (donā€™t wanna give the game away, but it should be pretty evident where these sit) so we can keep up with our capital builds as well as profiting from the new industry meta (maybe).

Ultimately if this change pushes your group out of the game then that is sad to hear, but suggesting that there are fewer opportunities for small groups is, I feel, a negative approach that doesnā€™t really consider the options that have been made available.


There are still ways to make money, that is true, weā€™re pretty self-reliant yes and largely are not doing what we do to sell things on the market, we rather have amassed a few structures that we were planning on deploying post-war when things look less murky. The negative is, the SP build up, if we knew the game could change so drastically (possibly the biggest change in 8-9 years) we might have been less specialized in our skilling. I do make some ISK doing things in Pochven and some exploration and mission running, these things have not been negatively affected, well unless I lose a faction battleship randomly in a mission post-change. I lost an Azbel in December in LS after the quantum cores update and since then Iā€™ve been doing my industry NPC stations in LS. Thanks for your response Oskar, Iā€™ll find something to do, Iā€™m just mainly aggravated by the SP component of this change.

Thanks for you response, I appreciate it and Iā€™m not so upset that Iā€™ll leave, just feel a bit like my pocket is being plundered because if I am to now ā€œreassignā€ this SP, it will cost me plex and offer less SP as I have crossed that SP threshold where returns have diminished considerably from extractors.