A significant update to Industry

This doesn’t obviate what I said. Do you not understand how distribution curves work?


Do you?

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Great! So based on that image, about 15% of the population are “introverts” and 15% are “extroverts”. The remaining 65% of people are “typical” and fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean, making them neither “introverts” nor “extroverts”. Try to get away from binary thinking, friend. ^-^

Yeah, it was shocking. I told a corp mate I’d build him a procurer and all of the sudden it’s 6x nocx than before. So like 15m more in mats…


Not neither but either-or depending on situation. It is preferred behavior not binary state.

If you make it a “must” you only retain 15% of people who score highest on extroversion. 15% of introverts AND 65% who deviate and diverse might have a problem with “must”.

I was fascinated by “Friendship Machine” talk initially, but now I think CCP Ghost’s claim that “people tend to stay longer, play longer if they join corps, join fleets”, is a mantra on par with “scarcity breeds war”. I mean it might be statistical error. They claim they have hundreds of thousands of people trying out EVE every year and they have abysmal renention numbers. Those retention numbers might well be statistically insignificant.


So your announcing that there will be another announcement in the near future. Meanwhile look at this spreadsheet on how were going to overcomplicate everything industry.


This is just baseless hurfadurf. Players don’t need a Z-Score of 2-3 in order to join corporations. That’s just a silly implication. Most people - including introverts - enjoy playing with other people than by themselves.

Also it’s pretty silly of you to try mapping the general population onto EVE Online. EVE Online is an mmog - a massively multiplayer online game. You don’t think that has a selection effect?

That list of Ten Types misses out the solo player like myself - one who does not trust the internet and people on it whom I do not know.

I avoided Eve for about eight years precisely because it was claimed that you could not play it solo. I then found a few articles which took issue with that, gave it a try, and have stuck with it. The things that risk my retention the most are the idiotic moves by CCP to force group play. One day they will probably go too far, and I will walk.


Calculating risks is a major part of EVE Online. Trusting people is a calculated risk.

It sounds like you want the rewards but not the risks…




No, it is simply that I do not wish to engage with arrogant, pseudo intellectual narcissists such as you. Posting on this forum is risk enough, thank you. I should also observe that I did not ask for your opinion, and was addressing @Siegfried_Tahl.

Do not bother replying, as I shall ignore you, the chess-playing pigeon.



You should observe that this is a public forum, and people will reply to who they please. Stay mad.

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Well done CCP, for killing the game. If I am incorrect, please tell me otherwise: Reactions can only be done on Lowsec?? And only in a Citadel??
Well done then, on killing a lot of HighSec manufacturing, through your badly thought out inclusion of reactions in everything.
Btw, I am not being sarcastic at all.
Good play CCP, kill the markets.


Nice, CCP! You killed this game for big number of players. Cool idea. Thank you very much!


The only thing that really changed for the “worse” was battleships, capitals, mining barges, and indies. Literally every other ship type just got cheaper and easier to produce.

So if “the game” for you was only building BS or caps then IDK what to say except: boy, bye.

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Speaking as a subcap solo player who likes building subcaps, this is looking pretty good to me.


Bro no poors kay?

Want to fly cool stuff, buy some PLEX.

sounds good. I’ll skip all this scarcity phase and just come back when that “Age of plenty” arrives. I’m not a masochist and I don’t trust their roadmap either.


I’d agree tot that. But that boat sailed sadly when they nerfed ecm. It would ahve been the best time to say yeah…we’ve broken jams lets fix this boat.

That burst bonus was/is only good for one thing. One pilot had a write up on scorpion I tried as well many moons ago. Its fun, but very niche. YOu fly/warp the scorp in, burst, break locks, warp out. Rinse, lather repeat till you get blown up or by some miracle other side gets killed off by your peeps basically.

Good for lols but not exactly a top 10 fleet doctrine option many would adopt.

Just want to say that as a person who is interested in survival crafting / base building / city building and collecting loots. The industry change really isn’t providing anything exciting.

I would personally prefer that rationally, human and society tend to survive by what they have at hand, and craft more (innovation) out of natural resources available to them AFTER they have chose a place to settle.

Instead, we’re now forced into being nomads and travelling merchants, chasing after resources that we didn’t needed before to build exactly the same things (no actual stat improvements apart from name gimmicks)

The USA don’t lose control of their oil fields…but the 4 Empires of New Eden don’t even have secure control over many of their essential ship building resources. Makes you wonder who runs those governments in their universe, they don’t even have Sun Tzu equivalent person to give them sound advise.

Judging from what ppl say about they are (almost being forced to) chasing around for resources and moving around mad like nomads…I’ve come to the conclusion that the Eve sandbox is running out of sand…and this Industry change is not helping to replenish the sand…and quite the contrary, taking even more from it.

just my 2c