A significant update to Industry

CCP please do not force people to use PI anymore than they have to, it’s the most boring mini game in eve. If your planning on making PI mainstream it needs to be expanded with alot more depth, Tyranis expansion did not live up to expectations and there was so much potential with PI which has never been realised.

Dont force people to have to use the least interesting and fun aspect if gameplay, PI is boring.


Now can we have them actually reflect that in power, not be a minimal improvement on BC’s.
Then it is reasonable.


from your aspect. i understand you know nothing about how market works. or how your work priced by markets… And You still think everything going same for you. :smiley:

you know nothing jhon snow…
winter is coming to eve at this summer.
when winter will hit you your isk willnt save you.
you cant spend because everything too expensive.
you cant earn because no body really want to buy.
because this is ouroboros…
Game ecomony entering death circle.
this is recesssion

i write this as jita marketer&producer…
i am asking to you who you are?
according to your empty talks just CCP fanboy…
never care never listen producers & marketers.
you dont need anything for protect ccp.


This update brought my industry persona back in the game, all slots are cooking … like in good old times when the big capital and citadel changes hit the server. Though I don’t think it will last that long this time.

without price stabilty plz go ahead and burn your isk…

omg another apocalyptic - end is near comment.The economy is getting healthy at the moment .There are a lot of opportunities to make isk ,market is full and costumers are happy.CCP got this under control no need for panic just w8 and see.All data shows things going as planed and the public is happy

Source ?

I am happy, you are happy. Does not mean the public is happy.

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Funny I only mentioned a region’s irregular isk faucet as per the DATA you linked speak for itself and that makes me a racist?

Data showed all you say and what CCP is capable of doing or willing to do and yet, those data showed some particular resident in the area is some hard working gamers yet we cannot talk about it nor is the Dev willing (or able) to address it?

That being said, problem that used to plague Eve now is absolutely embraced and adored by the current Dev and per you say the public.

If Eve is a F2P game, I can understand, and perhaps with your ultimate insight, Eve is going to head to F2P anyway after they trialed the Alpha / Omega thing. And sure, F2P MMOs are all for P2Win and use RMT to fund their shinies in-game. Apparently it’s a very popular thing in Asia and on mobile platforms so again, perhaps you are right all along (I mean I don’t suppose you do or know someone that works for CCP or PA?)

However, if that’s not the intention then please educate me some very basic Macroeconomics:

Namely, How does Scarcity ( supply < demand) with same or higher money injection into an economy solve inflation?

(500M battleship and 1.2billion 30 days Game Time vs 150M BS and 400M 30 days Game Time, now it’s on par and makes sense, but that doesn’t mean hyperinflation wasn’t introduced in the last 5 years if the price of plex is a general indication)

Of course, if you just say CCP isn’t even trying to solve inflation as they think they can milk the die hards by going F2P and remove sandbox (generating ingame items with RMT means no more sandbox), then I can accept that as an answer too. Brings me to think of that particular server CCP used to had on the other side of Tranquility ended up dominated by almost a single player entity and “won” the game…then shuts down. (a nice way to say it is they integrated the societies into a single shard, but everyone can think for themselves)


Are you new here or something, no matter what, Anderson Geten will always line up to defend CCP over all else.

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\ 40x40 Boobers66

May 2, 2021, 12:59 UTC

according to your release information on the new update -

“Material requirements for all Tech I ship blueprints will be updated, and new manufacturing tiers are established, making industry progression more consistent and easier to understand”

“Allow for better compartmentalization in the manufacturing process between subcapitals, capitals, and supercapital ships”

“Positively impact capital proliferation without a significant impact on subcap markets”

how does adding more material requirements and new reactions and new parts and new blueperints for Tech1 battleships make it “easier to understand” and not have a “significant impact on subcap markets”

You just made it orders of magnitude harder for a fairly new player (like me) to even attempt to manufacture battleships let alone other smaller ships because of material requirements. I mostly play this game as a miner/industrialist. now i have learn about planetary interactions and reactions which i have no idea about just to continue making the ships i have been making. let alone at much higher input costs.

This update does the exact opposite of what your stated goals of making industry easier to understand.

“making industry progression more consistent and easier to understand” - completely false!

“Allow for better compartmentalization in the manufacturing process between subcapitals” completely false!

“without a significant impact on subcap markets” - completely false!

Please roll back this update. or at least stop lying to your users. It appears the whole purpose of this update is to make ships more costly and complex. causing higher destruction values and while fewer users are able (or willing) to make them because there is no profit or users dont have the ability to make the new required parts.

You have effectively put me out of business on producing T1 battleships and increased my costs on all ships.

You need to just speak truth when talking to your users. stop putting completely false narrative and spin on your communications with your paying customers.


Most GMs and devs Ive dealt with are fair and care about the playerbase. Now the ISD are a different story and need more supervision.

Being “fair” and “caring about the playerbase” is one thing… being competent enough to actually do their jobs is another.

All the talented devs abandoned ship years ago and now we’re stuck with people like CCP Rattati .

These are the same bottom of the barrel developers who failed to see the long term consequences of allowing Rorquals to run rampant because they wanted to sell more skill extractors in the New Eden Store.

Now after 16 months of straight nerfs to compensate for their incompetence we’re supposed to trust they have a plan for the future and will actually be able to carry it out?


Can’t have that.

This is not what healthy looks like. Perhaps they should consult with the economists they fired.

I suspect it would mean more than that. If they do this i suspect a catastrophic exodus won’t be far behind.

Your assessment is 100% accurate. This update actually makes manufacturing all faction hulls and t1 bs brain cancer. The chart posted several posts up indicates the level of nonsense required to manufacture a single faction cruiser. It is beyond arduous and tedious and well into ridiculous.

Brother I wish they even knew what that means.

Yeah, that ain’t happening. They wonder ■■■■■■■ why too…


Learning new things in a game, get a new challenge, why is this bad? This is one point of the update, the other is to open up some of the big boy profits to new players.

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Because pi is literally ass cancer. Nothing about it is fun or engaging. For it to actually produce you have to touch it daily. There is no logical (in or out of universe) reason you shouldn’t be able to set a process up to run indefinitely without losing efficiency, I do that kind of ■■■■ irl right now. We can fly faster than light, scheduling tasks beyond 24h should not be difficult.

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Don’t do PI if you don’t like it. sigh You also don’t mine the ore for production if you are sane but buy on the market or contracts.

shhhh don’t spill it !!!

plzzzzzz delete ur post it’s a super secret trick !

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Beyond the shittyness of pi in the first place… Forcing it is hamfisted at best, and thats what they’re doing forcing pi on everyone. They’ve removed our ability to produce t1 bs and any faction hull. They took away something you could just do and gave us a cluster ■■■■ of a process back. They literally made it where ■■■■ I was doing, I am now unable to do. I could do it, and now I can’t. Thats the problem. Fix that ■■■■.

Nah, that ■■■■ is boring. I’m not buying the mins though. That ■■■■ is expensive, and then you have to haul it… no, ill kill a npc hauler or two for the assloads of trit and melt rat loot for the other mins. Mins are not the problem. Stupid, tedious, and wasteful processes are. Making things more stupid, tedious, and wasteful is not a ■■■■■■■ solution.

*its past time to turn off slow mode


It makes sense if you imagine that the person who wrote the copy didnt know that in EvE, Battleships arent Capital Ships.


the plan is stuck in slow mode.

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