A Thread Of Kind Words

Synthia knows her fashion!


As I understand it, you are rather good at managing the riding of studs.


I like you.

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Your in my Corp, I have to like you.

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You’re not in my corp, I like you a lot better’n I do most of them.


You talk SO MUCH and you have a habit so irritating of taking the most glancing disagreements as a reason to write an essay about how wrong and bad someone is, and also expecting them to answer these things. This is where someone else might turn the corner into kindness by saying : “but you are usually right!” but this is not so more than the usual amount someone is right and not where I am going.

I recall when we talked once about how you only lived a month, and I have seen you many times hold forth on how every clone is a new person, how when one dies, that is a real and true death. And that you accept this and do the things you do, because you have services to perform, and duties, and good to do. I think we don’t agree much on what worthy services are, or what good is and what must be done for it, but…it’s a very admirable thing to wake up, realize that you will die within the next week or two, and shrug and go about your business trying to argue and work toward whatever you have decided is good. I don’t envy you. I won’t ever live like that. But it is good.


Your words about Arrendis remind me of her conviction, and that is a trait of hers that I can respect, so I dislike her a little less for the moment.

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You are the most Noble and Honorable person from the Amarr Empire whom I’ve ever met.

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You have a single-minded tenacity few others in the cluster can match.

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You’re like a well structured letter.

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Ya guys suck much less than others ‘round here. I find that to be very refreshin’ and i’ll be honourin’ ya deaths if i get my hands on you folks.


I see you are also an affectionado for z0r


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There once was a rule forbidding the creation, participation and finishin’ of z0r chains. Punishment was an immediate permaban. It’s gone now (grave mistake) but i ain’t willin’ to ruin this nice thread.

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Strong jawline and polite. Very nice.

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Your career is one of those few that are a genuinely interesting story to imagine. You can see, imagined or not is hard to say, a tale of a person developing and changing over time.

This probably shouldn’t be quite so remarkable, but here we are. I very much enjoy that about you.

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You’re one of the strongest, most determined people I have met. You are true to your beliefs, you never back down.

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I haven’t met you, but have a well-deserved nice day.

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Your glasses suits you well.

I have to commend your… convictions if nothing else.


You find ways to compliment people who are neigh un-complimentable. This is a valuable skill.