A volcanic eruption began Thursday in Iceland

First and foremost, are the servers and monument to Eve Online players safe? If not, we can always transfer to the secondary Astrahaus.

Secondly, are the local residents safe?

Eve Online is brutal.

Iceland consents to sudden and uncontrollable volcanic eruptions upon dock. It’s in the EULA, so there is no need to fill out an ‘island reimbursement’ ticket.

Don’t float an island you can’t afford to lose.

Icelandic volcano eruption sends lava flowing in visual spectacle (msn.com)

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We’re all safe! Despite the eruption being visible from Reykjavik (in fact, some can even see the fires from their kitchen windows and yards) it’s far enough away that the city and its infrastructure are totally fine.

You can watch live here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9dJzk8IQx4


Stay safe out there… All of you. :gift_heart:


So, no chance of a volcanic Alpha strike taking a chunk out of Iceland then? Good to hear.

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Definitely not a view I have out my kitchen window…

Scary. I prefer hurricanes and floods over volcanoes any day. Hmmm. Can we cook steaks over a volcano?

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Only if you don’t mind turning into a steak in the process. :wink:

Bumped to Out Of Pod Experience - EVE Online Forums

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i think i recall hearing about a restaurant that does something like this.

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Wow what nice pictures. What emulsion did you use? I’m a fan of Cinestill 400D and Superia Premium.

There was another volcanic eruption in Iceland just the other day.

I wonder how stressful it is to live on an island where volcanoes erupt all the time.