If there were a new industrial and trade hub, where would you want it to be?
For a little bit of background, My dream when I started playing was to colonize a system. Originally I was thinking a wormhole (because nullsec is full) but that’s too much isolation. I’ve started getting into more industry and now I want to mix those goals.
My vision (I have a clear one) is to have an independent industrial hub. In an ideal world this would be some system where industrialists could gather. Open research, invention, and manufacturing facilities would be available. Miners would be able do their thing in peace. Obviously it’s Eve and people will inevitably try to ruin it, but it would be cool to have a neutral system where it’s understood that people are there to work not to fight.
To start, I plan on setting up:
- Market hub
- Clone bay
- Manufacturing Plant
- Research Lab
- Invention Lab
- Capital Shipyard
- Research efficiency rigs
- Reprocessing Facility
- Composite Reactor
- Moon Drill? (Depending on location)
I’m undecided if the Fortizar is necessary though. Open to suggestions on all this configuration. If it works out and people start using them we can always reconfigure based on what people need.
Longer term I’d prefer to upgrade to a Tatara to offer more reactors, and a Sotiyo for the bonuses. Or perhaps split facilities to optimize rigs. If it were nullsec I’d want to add a cyno beacon for easy access but that’s a pipe dream.
The biggest question I’m faced with is where to set up shop. Lowsec seems obvious for the rig bonuses, plus I have no interest in trying to claim sovereignty from an existing alliance. Border systems like Uemon stand out for linking multiple other regions. But is that really necessary? Proximity to nullsec is likely useless since all those alliances would already have in-house facilities.
So, the criteria I’m trying to weigh for a system are:
- ease of access (direct or close access to multiple regions)
- not too far from existing trade hubs
- not too close either
- low combat
- high traffic
- lowsec
- hopefully an ice belt
Again, the idea is to remain neutral ground. People would be free to add their own facilities if they really want to, but the hope is to provide enough that they don’t need to.
So, enough rambling and back to my original question. Where would you want a new trade/industrial hub?
And yes:
- I know I’ll just get nuked to hell immediately
- I’m naive and a dreamer
- etc etc
All that said: if this is appealing to people I’m open to partners, feedback, or just contributions.