About Bumping

Ah, so idiots that get bumped should be free to just autopilot their way around highsec unimpeded, but to overcome changes, gankers should start more characters.

Yeah, great outcome. One side that you don’t like should have to do more, while lazy and incompetent people should be safer.

Why should anyone have to create more accounts because of a change?

Remove the criminal timer. Criminal until CONCORDED and then free to reship. Then the current affect of bumping in highsec is irrelevant and can be removed.


and citadels! Don’t forget we need on-grid citadels! lol

Firstly: No, in the past actual players ganked. Now, CODE and CFC have pushed actual players out of the ganking business with their alt farms. :slight_smile: I am sure Ima WreckYou can tell you a story or two about this.
Secondly: Likewise. Haulers are regularly reminded to have the hauler, a webber, a scout, and ideally even a gank squad of 4 or 5 chars to gank the bumping Machariel. :slight_smile:
Furthermore, would you please stop ignoring what I type and stop being so childish? I have been telling you repeatedly now that more spread out gankers can intercept more freighters. They already have the characters for that, both ganking and scouting chars. Lazy and incompetent players would not be safer, I have told you that repeatedly, too, because gankers can intercept more freighters.

You already have them. :thinking: At least 4 all around Niarja, for instance, and CODE uses them extensively.

Wow, seriously. you have absolutely no idea about the game. Again, maybe stop talking about stuff you have no clue about.

It’s like you never actually undocked.

If subcaps where vulnerable to bumping, why would anyone anywhere need a scram or disrupter? Why would anyone ever use a warpcore stabilizer since they would be completely useless?


Those that have a webber and who use intel (not necessarily scout) are far safer already.

No change is needed to help them as they aren’t the lazy ones caught by bumping.

No hauler has a gank squad. That’s rubbish.


Do you agree, that bumping has the two following effects:

  1. Displacing the bumped ship.
  2. Disrupting its aligning to warp.

Links and sources please

Because it feels like you pulled that out of that place where the sun don’t shine


Yes. That’s always been it’s effects, though warp isn’t the only thing people align for, so it disrupts aligning, whether for warp or not.

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Are sub caps vulnerable to bumping?

You earlier stated only caps are.
Which is it?

Look at the killboard. How many freighter ganks are done by alt armies and how many are done by more than one player? If you want to call it that “a place where the sun does not shine”, you are probably right.

They are not

That is false.

Subcaps are vulnerable to bumping.

Ooops, did not mean to reply to you directly, Dyver.

Almost 500 posts. I congratulate those who manage to exaggerate this non-issue to this extent by baiting all the relatively sane into continuously talking to them.

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Ok so you pulled that statement out of your arse.
Ty for confirming

Good question. Yeah, how many?

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So in your world, warp disruptors are basically completely redundant because why not just bump-tackle the frigate?


Answer: Most are done by alt armies. The only gank so far today is an alt army gank. The 2 ganks yesterday are alt army ganks (There is Fizzleblade, I forgot him in my above list :man_facepalming:). The 3 ganks from the 21st are alt army only ganks. The 6 ganks from the 19th are all alt army ganks. The 1 out of 3 ganks from the 18th are alt army only ganks, 2 ganks are some russian actual players I pressume.

I don’t need to continue, do I?

What else do people align for, if not to warp?

In your world, do you think only caps are affected by bumping, as you stated earlier?