Abyss - Loot / NPC

The prices are definitely player driven, but an imbalance in the risk-reward ratio will skew prices nevertheless. The market will regulate some of it, but it cannot make everything valuable. If T1-T3 drops noticeably weaker than T4-T5 then the lower tiers will ultimately suck.

this is why i stopped running ccp events, the risk is always bigger then the actual reward :slight_smile:

I’ve run hundreds of these sites over the past week and the loot is absolute garbage. I run many T4s and T5s that yield less than 30m in loot when the filament itself costs 20m.

It’s a joke and something is broken, especially for the risk involved. Terrible.

It’s not broken. You’re in competition with others and they will try to run the Abyss and dump the market until they’re making losses, and they will still continue only in hope that it drives others out. This is just how things go when they’re new and everyone wants a piece of it.

No, its not that the loot is devalued, it’s that the only loot that drops the majority of the time is “blue” loot to the tune of 10-30 million for a Tier 4/5, which is absolutely ridiculous. Over 10 of the T5s that I have run gave only survey data.

Working as designed, right? I feel like you didn’t even read what was posted.

Yes, it is. You only think you deserve more. I wonder why this is.

Some complain how the Abyss is instanced content, how it’s a theme park, and how it destroys EVE. And then there are those who expect just that, to get showered in ISKs, to win the mega price and get special rewards. Funny …

Either you are ignorant or have never run an abyssal site and don’t understand what it entails to run the higher levels. I “only” use a 1.8b gila and “only” a 1b isk clone, but many use equipment and implants that are 3-4x more expensive to run it comfortably.

When you lose not only your ship, but your pod as well with no way to warp out like in other missions, complexes, or wormholes, then yeah you probably should be rewarded more when you risk a lot more.

If your idea of being showered in isk is 30m an hour then you need to figure something out. Stick to what you know, because it’s obviously not this, or even common sense.

Go ratting and you’ll see how NPCs have a fixed bounty. There you get a guaranteed ISK/hour ratio.

The Abyss doesn’t pay ISKs. Any ISK/hour rate you expect to be paid is imaginary.

You’re just being intentionally dense. You do you.

No, you are being dense and unintentionally I hope.

The PLEX prices have fallen during the summer. Guess what happened? Someone complained about how PLEX was too cheap.

Isogen currently sells badly. I’m surprised nobody has yet complained about omber needing a buff. I guess mining isn’t really in the spot light of the big complainers.

So now we have new content, and it’s not only getting overrun, it even gets an event in its honour. Guess what happened? Yeah, right, some complain about how they’re not making the ISKs they were expecting to make. I find it funny how they even come up with numbers of what it supposedly should pay.

Keep calling others dense. You’ll only find calling yourself dense in the end.

Few mutaplasmids I got payed well over the ship + implants I lost. During the event, running all kind of filaments, from T1 to T5 to avoid boredrom. Was fun and I made couple of billions untill I died to death squad of 8 neuting drifters in T4…

Concidering how small amount of time I spent there I believe loot value is OK. Just keep ship and clone cheap, so occasional loss will mean you still made billions ISK. I believe the true skill in Abyss fitting is not getting multibilion ship + clone, that will die much much later, than its cheaper version, but to find good compromise between price of the ships and its effectivity. If you child falls down and you need to rush to it in the middle of the abyss no officer modules will save your ship. Cause you are are AFK. Same with lost connection. It is just not worth to put 6-7 billions into it, IMHO. I think if your ship and clone is under 1 billion and you can run T4-T5 without much problem - you are doing it right even if you lose the ship after a week or soo.

More loot in T4 or T5 means it will become cheaper and you will lose your ISK anyway. Free market, you know.


i love abys for been “little” more hardcore and when player is alone, cant use 2,3,10,100,1000 account to help yourself. Todays players - liveing in huge safty in deep null… you have given all on silver plate - it is wrong.
i hope they make it even more hardcore version of abbysal space.
If i could i will live in the abys for sure. it is so refreshing.

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You pretty much nailed it right on the head. Though 2 more things come into mind.

First is at 20 mil of off T3s for an hour, you just super screwed on RNG. Really. You should be able to pull around 40 mil steady, + RNG bonus, either a skillbook, or faction module, or occasional gravid mutaplasmid, or triglavian ship blueprint, or even a decent chaotic (lvl 5) filament, something. Thats just the red data sheets + the grey and barrel looking thingies.

Which BTW is still abysmal, cause 40 mil/hr + that RNG is still usually under 100 mil and thats if whatever you got from that RNG actually sells. 100 mil/hr = L4s. 150-300 mil/hr = burners depending on how many you wanna do and how much time you take inbetween, sometimes it depends on mission draw RNG.

Then you compare it to all the otehr stuff in the game, L5s, DEDs, hell, even LS belt ratting beats the living crap out of this. And then on top you throw all the stuff from NS and this difference gets multiplied straight up to idiotic proportions.

Now the kick in the teeth for this content is, go ahead and try to take any T2 unblinged ship into a lvl 4 or 5 filament and watch what happens. You literally need a ship thats more expensive then fitted carriers for this ■■■■. No joke.


I love the concept, but I utterly hate the bling req. Its what destroys abyss for me. Also, while I love drone and missle boats, my favorite ships in the game, I am a bit tired of them. It would be nice to see CCP actually switch up the meta for this content but thats so over their heads its pitiful.

Yes. And now look how much ISK a fething carrier makes in the same time…
I enjoyed doing it for the event, but thats about it. Now my ship is collecting dust again. Because its barely worth it.

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Don’t forget that carrier will not simply die because of some RNG.

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Abyssal space is not worth the risk. I can run 6/10’s all day in NS in the safety of local in a nullified cloaks tengu and make 5-6 times the isk.

It looks people here dont want to do something because null is safer and makes them a lot more ISK. CCP are you listening?


No, they never listen. They praise themselves for the great content they deliver and then eventually wonder why the subs have dropped so much lately. But that’s surely just players not knowing about the great content CCP designed, so make it an event where everyone looses their fancy ships and gets barely any reward for it, that will bring back the players for sure!

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Actually I want to mention that purely PVE activity that is abyss, even without the suspect flag, is perceived as something more dangerous and bringing less rewards than null.

Or maybe its like it should be? Depends on who you ask… :thinking: