My Gila runs Darks just fine.
I can run it, i just dont want to. Too much effort and too much micromanagement.
To each their own. I can run them in under 6 minutes with zero risk (not much to be gained ganking a T2 fit). I would say that the setup I have is the least intensive from a micromanagement standpoint that I’ve yet run (and I’ve tried probably a dozen or more different cruiser hulls at this point).
There is also bug with cache being in range but buggy system thinks you are outside range to loot it.
On Sisi, initially I couldnt hit these things with autocannon and blaster boats with 80+ tracking and double webs. Then they finally got patched some ? I think ? I do them now on TQ with 60ish tracking + single web.
I can now reliably hit them but its tricky. Have to basically target as many as possible in random spots around and watch their transversal, pop them when its low. But this can’t always be done because the server works on 1 sec ticks (I think, not entirely sure), which is often not enough time to pop them.
2nd way is some fancy manuvering and OH on AB, that strings them out a bit and helps a lot.
3rd is of course the tracking support structure like you said, but what happens when you don’t get one ?
On top of that the OP was in an Ishtar. So what happens on the spawns where you don’t have any tracking support but automata supressors instead ?
I now think people could say they had desync and they could get reimbursed. ALL OF THEM. lol.
Bring a web.Web is your friend no matter if you’re an ishtar or not.
This is why soon hardly anybody will play the Abyssal game anymore. It is simpy not worth the investment. There are not enough players who play PvE for the excitement and challenge. For most players PvE is a money grind.
You die , you “forum” cries … love it
It pay’s for itself just run the tier your comfortable with and when you are happy with the amount that ship has brought in go +1 tier and try get some better loot before it dies then at least your making more isk than your loosing.
Risk Management
“I died in new content we haven’t documented to death yet and aren’t 16 billion guides on yet, because I didn’t prepare properly and just bumrushed it like a clown. How dare CCP create PVE events that require thinking and figuring out and why am I the one paying the price for this!!!”
No ■■■■, welcome to being an early adopter. If you don’t like that, wait till other people did figure it out, made guides on it, then read those, stick to them and then you can safe space all the way to Jita.
funniest thing is no guide will save you and with the near infinite spawn variations/structure and cloud hazards across 3 rooms it’s on YOU to get gud or feed the rats.
General pointers will help like “use webs ffs”, “bring this amount of tank”, “here’s a fit used for this” and the always useful “watch this video of me doing it”.
Lets be honest, the vast majority of players who will do this will be PVE players and, in general, those people do PVE because it’s non-effort, monotonous, predictable and because you can get away with being shitfit. And now they meet the reaper.
As an aside: I’m worried by this event but for different reasons: CCP, after all these years, managed to sneak in instancing… This is pretty much a Pandora’s box type of thing, to me it’s quite alarming.
As long as theres a timer on it, and people cannot hide in it forever, im fine with it.
anyone know how to beat the 10X bs spawn? I always die on it cant get under their guns they track way to hard.
T4 or T5?
T5 and that vid doesn’t show the 10x BS spawn, also I cant use a sac, using phantasm/vaga/muninn.
He runs dark matter only, because it has the speed bonus (when I tested on SiSi this also looks the easiest to me). If I understand it right, burn in with AB and launchers overheated and grind them down … though I wouldn’t touch that with 3B in ship+pod on the table.
EDIT: launchers not guns.
All my skills are in gunnery thou so Dark is off the table o well, but yea Speed + - gun range on those crazy strong tri BS’s would definitely help, they have the tracking of a frigate as well lol.
Problem with gun ship’s is to beat the 10X bs spawn you need 60km+ range and only way to get that with gun’s is go long range version but then you cant hit frigates Or you try and tank 5k dps with 0 cap, less than 5k in dark only