Abyssal Proving Grounds Bling Availability

The abyssal proving grounds recently only allowed T2/<Meta4 modules to enter (and no special factions ships). This isn’t such a good idea.

Most ships in EvE have their own rock scissors papers game. Therefore, bling ships don’t guarantee winning. On the other hand, being lucky and countering an enemy bling ship is an amazing experience (and profitable). For example, if special edition corvettes are allowed into the corvette proving grounds, it would be an excellent opportunity for 5 people to go on a very blingy kill mail.

What about showing people the death of some bling ships? Instead of banning bling altogether? Say: "Look, these people are losing much more isk than you are, and if you kill them you’re rich. That’s good, right?

Well, I heard that some guys with very blingy fits were dominating, and that this made everyone else feel like they had no chance of competing without dropping 3 bil on ships as well. I’m speculating, but I assume that CCP did it to counteract player perceptions that only big spenders could be competitive.

What the man above me said.

You have the see the crying on the forums. Then look at the people that won, and go have a look at their normal losses and I think you will get it.

I hate flying pauper as much as the next trillionaire but sometimes scraps have to wiped off the table for the masses.

What about showing people the death of some bling ships? Instead of banning bling altogether? Say: "Look, these people are losing much more isk than you are, and if you kill them you’re rich. That’s good, right?

You can do that in Uedama.

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