Abyssal Space, Allow E-Warp

If you happen to get a socket closed, you submit a ticket and get reimnbursement, its not an issue at all.
Nobody should be allowed to leave Abyssal Deadspace, unless you finish the site.

From a lore perspective it also doesnt make sense to be able to warp out, as you have nothing to warp to, outside the pocket and your ship will be crushed outside the pocket.

This is exactly the issue. This is why CCP will add in a failsafe. I’m predicting it right now. From a business perspective it makes sense to reduce incoming tickets. It doesn’t have to be e-warp, but there simply has to be a fail safe. They should leave the timer running though.

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Last I heard, they aren’t reimbursing anyone for any Abyssal losses, regardless of the reason. They know “socket closed” is code for “I unplugged my internet to avoid death”. And they aren’t going to give you back anything. You knew the risks when you activated the Filament.

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So, if you lose connection (aka you pulled the internet cable) during a fleet battle or gank, you want CCP to save your ship in that situation as well? No. Same goes with the Abyss…

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Lol, the server is stable? That’s a rich one.


Needs citation.

You sir have my love.


That is a very elegant solution.


This is why I suggest keeping the 20 min timer running. You can’t just nope out and allow downtime to save you, but it also means a 90 second disconnect is not instant death.


You don’t get reimbursement for socket closed.

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Ah, I see. Would need some polishing though, the instance despawns after 20m, which means the ship that was in it couldn’t respawn where it was to be “destroyed” (I say that loosely, in the sense of the process that follows a destroyed ship).

I’d guess that a logged off ship cannot be destroyed under current programming. That’d need to be polished.

The logs… they show nothing.

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