Abyssal Space - I'm disappointed

I still like the sites.

No one needs to play games at all. It’s not about need. It’s about what’s entertaining.

Shooting other player ships is entertaining for many where PvE is entertaining for many others.

Choices for everyone and I hope CCP never remove the chance that all of us can be space murdered at nearly any moment.


This was only technology testing version, wait for Pearl Abbys to launch the working version.

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Was something to try, that was new PVE in the game, oh i was disconnected.
All is lost, why do you think any one would try that part of the game again. Reward / Risk?

Good creativity poor execution on Game Play

One Disconnect and you loose all and you had no control of the situation. Darn I right clicked instead of left clicked.

Now give us the stats on how many players are doing Abyssal sites.


That’s right, soon EVE will be a waiting room for players doing instance activities.

Just like WoW

Just make sure it is tight before you go in.

I do like the Abyss sites as it is a welcome addition to the many tasks one can do in Eve.

I like these posts. Due to the nature of Abyssal sites (solo play) I think that the Abyss site currently being undertaken should pause on the event of a disconnect. This could also apply if one gets called away from their PC due to an urgent real life matter that needs attention. I’m now thinking about the flaws of my suggestion, the only one I can see is that it may affect PVP due to other players being able to camp the Abyss aperture which is used to enter/exit Abyssal space. Hmmm, this is a tough one. Has this been discussed already?

Multiplayer Abyss sites would be epic.

If CCP decide to expand to multiplayer Abyssal sites then yes, it should be left up to the fleet to organise adequate remote reps for whoever gets disconnected.

Instanced content is for kiddie MMOs like WoW and Hello Kitty Online. We need less of it, not more of it.

Just think, if you were in deadspace instead of an instance, you could log back in any time :wink:

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This is what you get when you create a single player instance zone. Once upon a time we had devs who wanted the content to come from the players - pve was an after thought - and when it was thought of at all it was merely a driver for pvp. those days are long gone. When the players create the content you wind up with all sorts of unusual things. OTH when the devs create the content you ultimately get repetitive grindy same old same old.

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100% this, somehow people do not understand how critical this is to the sandbox concept.

Instanced space, unload without docking, these things make me think EVE is about to try to become another kiddie MMO.

I think there is a good general understanding of how instanced gameplay affects a sandbox environment. All of the content in Eve adheres to the sandbox concept and In my opinion the activities in Eve have a good balance.

If anything the Abyss is an intelligent move by CCP to gain more subscriptions for people who want instanced activities. The people who want instanced activities do contribute to the economy via the market and they are still fair game in PVP and have to limit their loss. The risk with the Abyss can be harsh once you commit which is definitely in line with what Eve stands for…A harsh and unforgiving environment.

I like how the Abyss sites are tied in with new ships and technologies.

Meh… this one I never really understood the problem of. So you don’t have to dock. All it does is save you a couple session timers. Big deal.

I’m not above QOL fixes, which I believe the above to be. I’m not above making the game “less clicky”, or “less stab myself in the eyes because it’s more fun than Eve”.

It doesn’t make mining harder, and it doesn’t make mining easier. It just saves pointless busywork. Which I support.

To be honest, abyssal stuff I do not feel has adherence to the sandbox concept. You literally cannot go in after them. You can camp their exit, sure, but that feels like an afterthought. “Oh right… sandbox… well er… yea you can camp them”.

Imagine this:

  • Abyssal sites had no timer
  • Anyone could enter your abyssal site as they wish
  • Nullsec rules apply in abyssal space

THAT is sandbox. But the PVEers would scream murder because they lose their safe space.

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You should be careful with your suggestions. From a role-play point of view the Abyssal aperture is unstable and can only remain open a limited amount of time which has always been common in Eve and other Games/Tv shows/Films in the sci-fi genre. Due to the instability of the aperture there simply must be a timer.

Anything which is unstable will automatically promote a careful and well thought out style of play. I feel you are just ranting about what you want in the game without taking the time to consider how it will affect balance.

And in other news, R&D at CONCORD have developed new filaments which stabilize the pocket.

They were obviously stable before we got there, ■■■■ was already floating around in space and it didn’t just magically spawn (we’re in RP land, not ‘the server spawned the instance’ land right?)

There’s nothing careful or well-thought out about running AS. You fly a cookie-cutter fit ship, through a list of sites that you know you can clear with that fit. You do it in space that you know you’ll be able to come out safely into. Be it an empty HS system, or your home system in null where you’ve got 200 dudes in local ready to blob the ■■■■ out of them when they land on your beacon.

Affecting balance is moot. The rewards are ■■■■. Running them as a group trivializes the content, but it’s already trivial. Which is why the rewards are ■■■■.

OTOH, when you start adding sandbox to the mix, now the difficulty of the content is moot. You let the players make it harder or easier for you.

Ok, first instanced and sandbox are mutually exclusive.

That is not a discussion point, or an opinion, they are excusive by definition.

Technically EVE stopped being a sandbox the day abyss was released. The entire idea that there is one copy of the game space and everyone is in it is no longer true, there are multiple copies of the abyssal space.

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The entire Abyss concept is still sandbox due to the fact we can loot items in the Abyss and come back to normal space and sell the items to other players. You’re only looking at one aspect of Abyss which is this; while they are in there they are not vulnerable to player attack.

From the Abyss we can gain blueprints, resources, keys, new tech, which are all trade-able. We can also use items found in the Abyss to manipulate existing ship modules and trade them on contract.

If you want PVP you’ll have to achieve it by doing recon to find the bling fits and then organise a fleet to gank them upon Abyss exit. It’s not hard if you have a well organised team who are good at the roles they play within a gank fleet.

Nope. Well, maybe a little, but moreso the content would become completely abandoned just like it did prior to the event and you’re back t osquare one. The problem here is that the PvE inside abyss space is already extremely risky, often times far moreso then PvP, it depends on spawn RNG, so you would need to adjust that accordingly and then it would become bland and again no one would run it except bots.

Which brings me up to another point, how to avoid multiboxing and botting of abyss space if it was open ? We already have too much multiboxing, botting etc. all over the place, especially in NS. I sure as hell don’t want this to become another bot haven like NS.

As I said in a previous post…There is only one form of instanced gameplay in Eve which is Abyss. Everything else is sandbox. Why completely shut out and ignore the part of the player base that likes instanced gameplay? If anything I think CCP has done a good job in combining an instanced type of gameplay with sandbox.

Facts are facts…if you have 4 Billion worth of fitting on your ship and you’re doing Abyss sites then you run the risk of being ganked by players. The sandbox aspect is still there and it is indisputable.

If you like PVP then you should take some risk yourself and head over to null-sec where you can find people doing sites and taking a load of DPS. Feel free to sneak up on them and destroy their ship. Stop trying to change Abyss space into 0.0 space when plenty of 0.0 space already exists.