Abyssal Space - I'm disappointed

Would it be that way though if you could bring a friend or three? Or multibox?

You wouldn’t. As I said, the content is already trivial if you’re running a cookie-cutter fit Gila. RNG be damned, you have to try to lose at that point. The rewards are geared toward this, with the shitty drop rates and the mutaplasmid chance to make your module worse than ti was.

With regards to Bots, I see no reason why they couldn’t run these already. The difference is that there’d be one bot in the instance rather than 3. Right now it’s not worth their time, they’re better off ratting in null… and they still will be.

No, that’s a bunch of kids waiting for you in the sandbox so they can kick you in the face and take your sand bucket when you try to get in with them. That’s you going from the abyssal content back to the sandbox. Which is not the same as being a part of the sandbox while you do the content.

Because it is not that kind of game, again, how selfish to come to a game and try and change it to something else in spite of the existing player base.

The more instances there are the more EVE becomes a waiting room, like all the other theme parks.

Get use to it, you know saying:
Adopt or die…

Of what? The closest approximation of a heat death of the Eve universe as we can get?

Eve is niche. You kill that niche, and it’s nothing.

They tried “niche” for 15 years and did not make it, now is time to try something else …

And yet, 15 years later, here we are. It’s not the exact same game, but the concepts are generally still there.

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Never forget what was most adeptly explained by Falcon.

The moment you take away the sandbox, what is Eve when it abandons its core nature?

There’s a reason WoW clones all die. It’s because they’re WoW clones. There’s already a WoW out there. Eve has survived for 15 years by not being a WoW clone. Don’t push it off a cliff.

Exactly, EVE will never compete as a theme park because the game is tuned for a completely different purpose.

All we will end up with is a shitty sandbox and a shitty theme park.

You know what… Abyssal Space is to Eve what a cat is to a real sandbox.

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Are you describing when a player is docked?

I donoe, I see a lot of the existing playerbase and think that if they’d leave and new players came in things would be a lot better, so good riddance if it causes them to go.

Yes, incidentally, that is technically instanced as well. And we all love station games, amiright?

One is not precedent for the other.

New players come, most of them go. They don’t do it because of Eve’s toxic culture. I’m sure some do leave because of the culture. Most of them leave because the concept of loss is becoming harder and harder to handle in a world where everyone holds your hand and protects you from yourself, others, and the neighbour’s dog.

Look at the world today versus even just 20 years ago when they probably started conceptualizing the game. The level of bubblewrap we’ve put around everyone and their feelings is utterly asinine.

Those people are simply weak, and they can’t handle Eve because Eve is not nice to them. Eve doesn’t serve itself on a silver platter for their enjoyment. Their gratification is not Eve’s concern.

If they want gratification, they have to earn it here. Your average person these days has neither the patience nor emotional stability to handle earning their own gratification.


You’ve got some good points, but most of what you say goes against logic. Being docked or being forced to stay docked prohibits you from playing in other parts of the sand box…and believe you me I’ve been forced to dock on many occasions due to me being emotionally attached to the system i lived in.

Would you like to know what I do now to avoid the undock? I have a toon in 0.0 that has a battleship cloaked up at a safe spot in a Hostile 0.0 system with no station, my corp office is 3/4 jumps out and I use other alts to ferry loot/fits to my cloaked battleship alt…when all is clear I uncloak and do combat sites and belt ratting.

Using my cloak ability as an example, I am creating an instance where the advantage is nobody can find me if I am careful about logging off. During this instance my interaction with other parts of the sandbox is very limited due to the type of ship I am flying, the location, and the danger level (Ratting battleship cloaked in 0.0 with no station), So you have to accept there needs to be a balance of sandbox and instanced type gaming in order for Eve to cater for players like myself.


We’ll just make all those customers who paid for years leave so we can fulfill our fantasy EVE theme park design and then when we get bored in six months we will quit…

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nope. just you and yours will quit. most of us dont really care about any themeparks, sand boxes, anal boxes, whatever else boxes, its irrelevant. only thing that matters is the game fun and does it play well for a lot of people without any of this attached box bull ■■■■.

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What are you taking about, EARN SOMETHING IN VIDEO GAME, that is insane and self-deception, in VIDEO GAME you can only play.
You can EARN something only IRL. If you are thinking that you are not weak snowflake because you playing “hard niche game” you have serious trouble.

Because this is EvE and not any other shite MMO!

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An you are IMBA because you play EVE and not playing “other shity MMO”
So delusional :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


First off, you kind of missed the point. The op Was saying that he’s disappointed with the new sites. The fact that these sites are instanced means that there is no real room for innovation on the part of the player. Once a maximum performance fit has been found everybody uses it and the instances become repetitive and Grindy. This was never a problem when content came from the players because the players always came up with new ways to play.

Second, your wrong about the sites fitting into a sandbox. These sites remove players from the game completely for 20 min at a time. You can’t interact with them at all during that time. That is as anti-sandbox as it gets. Sure you can ylgank them when they come back, but ganking is the least interesting form of pvp in eve.