I have been doing missions for as very long time and I have had a few encounters through acceleration gates inside a mission zone and other players will warp in on top of me to destroy my tractor unit, steal wrecks etc.
What is the point of the acceleration gates to keep myself from warping to the last jump zones after a few jumps, but then another player who isn’t in my corp or fleet just warp in to the last room and steal my wrecks, shoot my tractor unit etc.
Seems very broken when I cannot do that when I have the mission unlock and the other player does not.
The gates typically unlock only when you’ve destroyed a specific group (or sometimes all) of enemies, or you have a particular item (card or key). Sometimes they’re always unlocked and you can bypass them right at the outset, though.
‘Packrat’ MTUs are harder to scan down and more effective (but also more expensive).
It’s best to “salvage as you go” or bookmark the wreck sites to return and salvage later. Where possible, always try to grab the most expensive items first.
Marauders have the best clearance/salvage ability and minimize the time you’re present to be scanned down. Dscan is always helpful for determining when probes may be out looking for you (gank or otherwise).
Your marauder has a huge signature though, and the combat scan will quickly identify the signature next to the marauder to be a deployable. There aren’t many different types of deployables tend to drop.
That would disallow you running the site with your alts, which would disencourage multiboxing in highsec.
If it was locked to fleet/corp-mates, it would disallow you to assemble your fleetmates on some grid on the pretense you needed help with some site, then pretend to have lost the connection on your client, which causes the capsuleer to leave the fleet and warp to a safespot once the marauder siege cycle is over, while in fact having volunteeringly dropped fleet and joined your out-of-alliance alts’ fleet to provide them with a warp-in beacon so they can come in and gank your corpmates that you were yourself are not allowed to shoot at, without the need to combat probe or whatever.
Hence why it’s helpful to have Dscan open if you plan to drop a MTU. If probes are out it’s generally not a good idea to be dropping anything you don’t want to lose… including the Marauder.
Way over explained there Moko. In simpler terms please. You seem to misunderstood what I am saying, and maybe you never played an MMO such as World of Warcraft with dungeons and raids. This isn’t about multi-boxing it is about “enemy players” warping on top of my location during the mission (while I am still engaged) without having clearance to the accel-gate. And a capsuleer scans me or my Tractor unit down during the mission and warps on my head.
Such as an example, in World of Warcraft a dungeon is only allowed by the individual and ‘Party’ members, and not anyone who freely walks into the instance. Cause as it stands in EVE, it would as if in WoW you could walk into an instance at any time, gank whoever on a list of current instances making it a PVP and not PVE instance. This is what I am saying a mission site should be like. Its a instanced to you and your fleet ONLY and nobody else.
Multiboxing shouldn’t be allowed anyways in missions unless you ARE in a fleet. This is my whole point. Missions sites should only allow fleet members and corp members in it “IF” there is a accell-gate.
If CCP dev’s want another scanning capsuleer to be able to scan down your MTU or your ship during a mission, then don’t use an acceleration gate.
Or, create a new gate call it “secure accel-gate” so as a mission runner you know you are ‘safe’ to do your mission without outside surprises and invaders. And have the current acceleration gate as a vulnerable site to be entered by anyone.
Missions generally aren’t safe. There are a few gates locked behind a key (or similar), but many open once a certain wave has been destroyed or objective reached. Some missions don’t have any gates at all.
Once you unlock a gate - generally anyone else can go through it (subject to ship restrictions).
Not sure what multiboxing has to do with this though…
There is no true PvE in EVE - everyone can f**k with you if they’re determined to. And it’s always been this way, just FYI.
Eve is “supposed” to be a single open world environment, though, where everyone can do whatever he wants whenever he wants to whoever he wants. Whether you shoot at some Guristas, or you shoot at some capsuleer operated ship that runs missions for/against Guristas, is up to you. The consequence is standings, the station gunners getting mad or concord showing up, and you - and/or someone else - losing a ship.
If you want to crab in an isolated instance space where you cannot be “disturbed” by uninvited capsuleers, you can buy an abyssal filament at any major highsec market, and use it to jump you and up to 2 other capsuleers into an abyssal deadspace.
While capsuleers can’t be “disturbed” there, if they run abyss content with the same semi-afk or fully-afk attitude they run the security missions in, they will end up losing alot more ships and pods to the abyss then they were losing to gankers in “new eden”, though.
Given how much more rewards the abyss provides over lvl4/5 missions or nullsec anomaly crabbing, all seriously sized corps/alliances have some players that run them, can introduce you to it or run it with you. Unlike highsec missions, the abyss pays more if you use multiple smaller ships then it pays if you solo it in a cruiser, so there’s a motivation to team up anyways.
I have done abyssal sites many times, and as you can already see they are ‘isolated’ from the game world in their own instance. So, if that works then so can missions.
All I am saying is some missions can be isolated from other players and others not. Isolated ones give less rewards, but the open ones to attack are higher rewards.
Its a simple concept.
EVE is a PVP game. Perhaps you should go back to WoW where you can’t be ganked unless you set your PvP flag. Even if you do get ganked you lose nothing, can strut around in your expensive armor, your inventory full of goodies with no risk.
But do tell us more about how carebear friendly WoW is, could do with a good laugh.
I think you’re overlooking one thing. Both mission acceleration gates and filaments are diegetic.
In order to present the player with an pseudo instanced dungeon with a sequential series of rooms. CCP invented the concept of Deadspace.
For whatever reason, the navigational computer can’t lock down deadspace as the exit point for your warp bubble. The factions of New Eden exploit this fact for security, since if the enemy can’t warp in. Then they can’t warp in right on top of your important stuff.
Using acceleration gates, they can move men and material into the deadspace pockets and build a layered defense between your and the important stuff.
Filaments are something something something wormholes, alternative layers of space, dimensional crush zones, npcs getting off on watching combat.
Why bring wow here?? it is like joining a rugby game and complaining because people can tackle you while when you were playing volleyball they could not…
this is eve, a game where pvp can happen almost everywhere.
That’s what gives some taste and color to this game. If you do a mission or somethg else, you can get killed by others, or your loot stolen, yes. Learn how to prevent it instead of complaining, or go back to other mmos.
Embrace the challenge
EVE is a PVP game. Perhaps you should go back to WoW where you can’t be ganked unless you set your PvP flag. Even if you do get ganked you lose nothing, can strut around in your expensive armor, your inventory full of goodies with no risk.
You sure got raged over a simple comparison to a popular MMO, its just one of many I can choose and I have played many other MMO’s. Also WoW is a pvp game too ya know…
The fact still stands, from my first post, a random player should not be able to warp on my head during a mission at the last room per say while I cannot do the same if I had to leave during the battle and then return later to my bookmarked location. I am sent to the first acceleration gate and have to fly through each one but the other player is not.
Raged?Don’t flatter yourself, Zaera was simply stating facts . And no, WoW is not a real PVP game as no consequences for death and no ability to smacktalk. Consentual pvp, battlegrounds and arenas are just consentual bear fights
i did not “got raged over”. But when you start a new game, you usually read the rules, or at least the advert, to know what you will face. This applies to monopoly, card games or video games.
Eve is well described and well-known as a game where pvp is everywhere. So complaining that you can be killed in a mission, and comparing eve to wow where (i quote you) “a dungeon is only allowed by the individual and ‘Party’ members, and not anyone who freely walks into the instance.” only shows that you would like the game to fit YOUR desire instead of adapting to eve rules.
There are ways to not get killed (dscan, friends etc). This is a sandbox and you are free to do what you want/can. But complaining about the game mechanics as they are different in another mmo doesn’t make much sense
He won’t be the first to pimp out their ship, get spanked, then go back to WoW with their tail between their legs. One actually said he was a real life criminal lawyer, would track down all those involved and have them sent to jail.