The last time something like this happened it awarded Frostpacker with a one limited addition
MAGICAL CAT TIME WITH DESTINY collecters pack that contained amazing desktop stickers.
@Aether_Empress [Aether Empress] We ask you what do you have on offer?
What would Frostpacker receive in accepting such invite?
Fun, of course. What is eve to you? a second job?
You can’t even make a desktop sticker for us? We have many monitors here and main goal is RP
/hr past and edit
It doesn’t have to be anything really special it would just be a way to entice Frostpacker into accepting.
It is mutual-war-decs and it is your Corp who is asking Frostpacker. What I am asking is what do I get out of this? I could like I had done so make the changes to cater for such mutual-war but not without seeing what’s on the table on your end!
/Oh and welcome to the forum Aether Empress.
we do have churros in Brazil
but its not a traditional dish , here is a amusement park thing , like cotton candy etc
fried , with "doce de leite " inside (a traditional sweet milk , its like cooked condensed milk) , and a lot of fine sugar sprinkled on top
I want.
its good
ill give you if one day you visit my kinda nice banana republic
here in my state we eat “doce de leite” with cheese
because we eat everything with cheese ( its called minas cheese , a fresh cow milk cheese)
including “goiabada” a guava candy
goiabada + minas cheese is called , romeu e julieta( Romeo and Juliet) here
btw my state is MINAS GERAIS , something like general mines
because the Portuguese took a lot of gold and precious stones from here in the empire times
after that in the old republic time brazil had what was called Política do Café com Leite , coffee and milk politics
because sao paulo (producer of coffee ) and minas (producer of milk ) oligarchs kinda ruled brazil for some time
I would, but Im not War Eligible.
CCP took away the McCandless farm when they introduced Cores.
You don’t need to be for mutual wars.
Oh? Ok cool, well Ill hit that button when I get home.
Can you spam invite corps to mutuals? I ask realising thats technicaly whats just been done.
Yes but they have to accept, and if you spam them without solicitation, they obviously won’t.
They might
People are dumb AND the worst
Also, if you really want to do wars the old way, you can join us.
Well, assuming the old way includes combat, Id have to learn to fight properly lol.
The Old Macca Way was dec then extort. Made some good muns back in the day that did. Protection rackets just dont seem to exist much these days.
They absolutely do, we do it all the time. But it’s a collective effort. You can no longer threaten assets alone, with the exception being that you’re some kind of BF-style multi-box hardman with fourteen Leshaks and Guardians at your disposal.
I make more money through kills anyway. You can see for yourself.
Yeah, I guess I last did it before structures. Just turned up with two BCs and a frig and that used to be all it took to make a noob fold and pay up.
Ah well.
Now my farm is a freeway.
There, accepted. Did I win?
You can invite the alliance EdenCommies